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Joining issues 10.4

10-04-2018 01:04 PM
Regular Contributor

We upgraded to 10.4 last month and our department was also upgraded to Windows 10. Our parcel fabric is in the process of being converted from conversion status to record status. In other words our parcels that were imported from a geodatabase will be converted to record as we work through our county. I have been working in an area converting it to record and what I have noticed since the upgrade is that my join points are not sticking!! In my workflow I will re-create some parcels then rejoin an adjoining boundary to the new parcels. Then I started noticing that my previously joined - point to point - points are now line points and I have to rejoin them in addition to joining to my new parcels. This is happening over and over again and I'm getting really really frustrated!! One other mapper has noticed the same thing. I used to be able to set a poly in the fabric, create new polys, join the existing to the new - just in that area and the rest of the poly would stay put. Now they're pulling away from their set join points.

Attached is a pic where the line points had previously been all point joins (point to point). Why the change I wonder?


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