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Build and Publish INSPIRE View and Download Services with ArcGIS for INSPIRE 10.8.1

08-26-2020 02:51 PM
Esri Regular Contributor
2 1 2,135

ArcGIS for INSPIRE supports the publication of INSPIRE View and Download Services for the respective INSPIRE data themes and underlying datasets. ArcGIS for INSPIRE makes this process easier by helping you add the INSPIRE feature datasets, automatically detecting the available feature layers and tables to add to your map and guiding you through the INSPIRE-specific publication process. If you already use the ArcGIS suite of products, ArcGIS for INSPIRE's familiar interface will be easy for you.


This lesson steps you through the process of creating a map document and publishing INSPIRE View and Download Services. This lesson assumes you have installed the latest version [1] of ArcGIS for INSPIRE and, using your extract/transform/load (ETL) tool of choice, have loaded your source data into the provided INSPIRE GDB templates.

Watch the video 

Load the Geodatabase in ArcMap

Go to ArcCatalog and open the database connection to view its contents. Here we see the geodatabase organized thematically by feature datasets.

Load the Geodatabase in ArcMap


Add INSPIRE Layer(s) to create an INSPIRE map document in ArcMap

In ArcMap, click the menu button 'Add INSPIRE Layer' to launch the INSPIRE Layer Wizard (this button is available when the ArcGIS for INSPIRE extension is installed and tools have been added).


You have the option to load one, more than one, or all the feature datasets into the geodatabase, as desired. For demonstration purposes, we are using a sample Hydrology (HY) dataset based on original data downloaded from (CC BY 3.0 license). The data have already been transformed and loaded into the INSPIRE GDB template.


Let's add it to ArcMap.

Add INSPIRE Layer(s) to create an INSPIRE map document in ArcMap



In the INSPIRE Layer Wizard, click the folder icon to see the INSPIRE geodatabase selector dialog, then choose the GDB connection and click 'Add' button.


The extension will check the GDB, analyze it, and try to find what feature classes that are available. It will then display a list of feature classes you can choose to load as layers into your map.


Select the INSPIRE Layers to be created

Here you see the list of layers. We have sample data for Transportation Networks, so we scroll down to the Transportation Network theme and click the check box to select all the layers, then click the 'Create' button.

The Wizard loads all the Transportation Network related feature classes and tables into ArcMap.

The Table of Contents displays the feature layers and related tables, displaying the layers in the map window. To provide context, this screenshot shows we have added a basemap in the background. Do not include basemaps when publishing the INSPIRE View Services.


Note, the INSPIRE Technical Guidelines require specific symbology be used for View Services on several themes. Our example shows the default ArcMap symbology. During publication of your INSPIRE View Services, the ArcGIS for INSPIRE extension will automatically apply the appropriate symbology according to the INSPIRE specification.

Save your map document as an MXD file.

Transportation Network INSPIRE data theme displayed in ArcMap


Publish INSPIRE View and Download Services

INSPIRE View Services use the OGC web map services (WMS and WMTS) protocol and include INSPIRE-specific requirements according to the INSPIRE Technical Guidelines.


INSPIRE Download Services use the OGC web feature services (WFS3 complex features) protocol and include INSPIRE-specific requirements for serving complex GML according to the INSPIRE Technical Guidelines.

For more detailed information, see the online documentation Publish the INSPIRE View Service and Create the INSPIRE Feature Download Service.


Share as a Service

In the main menu, choose 'File > Share As > Service…' to open the Share As Service dialog. Choose 'Publish a Service' and click 'Next'.


The server connection and name are pre-filled for you and can be edited as desired. Click 'Next'. Publish the service to an existing folder or create a new folder and click 'Continue' to open the Service Editor.


Configure the Service

Choose 'Capabilities' in the left sidebar to choose the capabilities you would like enabled for the serice. Add WMS, ArcGIS for INSPIRE View Service, and ArcGIS for INSPIRE Feature Download Service.


Analyze the Service

In the Service Editor, click 'Analyze' if you would like to check for issues. Low severity issues are not typically a problem for producing valid services.


Publish the Service

In the Service Editor, click 'Publish' to package the service. It will take some time to publish the INSPIRE View and Download Services with the proper configurations.


Edit your newly created service

Once the service has been published, we go to the ArcGIS Catalog to connect to the server instance and see the service. Right-click the service and choose 'Service Properties…' to open the Service Editor.

Edit interface for INSPIRE Services in ArcGIS for INSPIRE


Enable the INSPIRE View Service Supported Language(s)

In the Service Editor left sidebar, select the properties for the ArcGIS for INSPIRE View Service. The dialog for the View Service will open.


In the Service Editor dialog, click in the language text field to display and choose from supported languages according to the INSPIRE specification.


Enable the INSPIRE View Service WMS and WMTS Capability

Check the 'WMS uses layer names from map document' check box, and optionally check the 'WMS uses TileCache (WMTS available)' check box to enable the INSPIRE View Service using OGC Web Map Tile Service (WMTS).

Next, click the 'Advanced Properties' button to open the Edit View Service Properties dialog.

Enable INSPIRE View Service Capabilities


Edit the INSPIRE View Service Properties

The INSPIRE Directive requires specific properties for metadata to be used in the INSPIRE Service capabilities file beyond the default used by ArcGIS. ArcGIS for INSPIRE helps simplify this task by pre-filling the required elements where possible, and guiding you through the others. Required elements are highlighted in yellow.


According to the INSPIRE Technical Guidelines (version 3.1), the service provider can choose how to provide metadata about the service. This can be set using the following options at the top of the INSPIRE View service properties dialog box:

  • Enter a URL referencing the INSPIRE metadata record describing this INSPIRE View service—Enter a URL, from an INSPIRE Discovery Service (Geoportal Server), that references a metadata record that describes the View Service.

  • Enter all INSPIRE metadata element values, these will be exposed directly in the service capabilities document—Enter all INSPIRE metadata element values using the INSPIRE View Service properties configuration page (these elements are exposed directly in the service capabilities document).

If you choose the second option, you see a dialog box as shown below. Fill in the required yellow fields, being sure to use the (YYYY-MM-DD) date format. Accept the pre-filled default values as desired.


See the online guide, Configure INSPIRE View Service properties, for more detailed description of values to use for these properties. When you have completed filling in the yellow fields, click 'Close' to return to the Service Editor dialog.

Edit the View Service Properties in ArcGIS for INSPIRE


Enable INSPIRE Feature Download Service WFS Capabilities

In the Service Editor left sidebar, select the properties for the ArcGIS for INSPIRE Feature Download Service. The dialog for the Feature Download Service will open. As with the View Service, you can select the languages to be used in the service.

Click to enable the following:

  • Enable direct acces

  • Enable stored query management through WFS 2.0.0

Then click 'Advanced Properties' button to open the Edit Properties dialog.

Enable WFS Capabilities in ArcGIS for INSPIRE


Edit the INSPIRE Feature Download Service Properties

As with the dialog for editing the View Service, fill in the required yellow fields.


Scroll down to select the theme feature types to include. Click 'Select All', or choose specific feature types as desired.


NOTE: INSPIRE Services and Service Metadata are co-dependent. Since we haven't created the INSPIRE Metadata reference, we can't yet provide the Metadata URL. We'll come back to edit the service after creating the Service Metadata.


Scroll down to choose 'conformant' or 'not conformant' when the service has been evaluated in the INSPIRE Reference Validator. If the evaluation passes, the degree is conformant; otherwise, it is not conformant. In this case, the service has not yet been evaluated in the INSPIRE Reference Validator so choose 'not evaluated'.


Click 'Close' to exit the editing dialog, and then click 'OK' to exit the Service Editor. The ArcGIS for INSPIRE Server extension will update the properties we just entered to finish.

You have created your INSPIRE View and Download Services!

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About the Author
Dr. Jill Saligoe-Simmel is a 20+year leader of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and champion of FAIR and open data.