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Projecting ArcGIS feature dataset containing relationship classes

07-30-2019 03:42 AM
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Occasional Contributor

I have a geodatabase with more then 50 feature classes and 60-70 tables.
Feature classes are inside a feature dataset which is using a projected cooridnate system.
There are 250+ relationship classes inside feature dataset linking feature classes with eachother as well as with tables.

Similarly there are relationship classes outside feature dataset as well.

My task is to convert the projection of all feature classes from Projected to WGS84.

If i do it one by one and write to a new feature dataset i loose the relationship class.
If i apply project tool on feature data set then it creates a new feature dataset with feature classes but only few relationship classes are there.

How should i project a feature data set (all feature classes) keeping all the relationship classes? even if a break all relationship classes and create a new feature data set is there a way that i can copy the relationship classess without creating each one by one?

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