Oriented Imagery

11-19-2020 05:32 AM
New Contributor II

I've set everything up for my 360 photos as oriented imagery.  Everything seemed to work fine.  The tool seemed to process my photos, created the points, created links to the images on my server etc.  When I go to use the tool in Pro, I get this.


Even though the hyperlink works when Identifying.  I guess my question is, is hosting on amazon or azure required?  can you not host from your own server?  It seems to be able to access the photos when running the tool to setup the data, and as I said the hyperlink works, so why can't I view the 360 image in the actual tool?

1 Reply
New Contributor II

I have had the same issue and would be curious to find a resolution. 


On a side note, what type of camera are you using?

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