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I have a problem working with Raster calculator. I have aerial images taken by drone. There is an image contains Red and NIR band. I extract those band which are .tif file. Then try to calculate NDVI and NDWI with raster calculator but it gave me an error

03-26-2019 03:16 PM
New Contributor
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4 Replies
MVP Emeritus

try turning off background geoprocessing and make your ndvi file a tif by adding the file extension ( …. ndvi.tif )

New Contributor

Hi Dan,

I tried it. It is running but still processing for about 15-20 minutes and does not stop yet! Do you know what is the possible problem!?

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MVP Emeritus

big files...

you are using arcmap (limited memory capabilities, but background geoprocessing failed)

try breaking it into steps using the spatial analyst's Minus and Divide tools … you will have outputs from each step that you can use rather than trying to cram everything into one raster calculator equation

try ArcGIS Pro

Esri Regular Contributor


You are using an old method which is not recommended.

Use the Image Analysis window, and it will calculate NDVI instantly.  If you must save the resulting image as a *.tif file on disk, right click in catalog and "Export".

For NDWI you need a short wave infrared band, which apparently you do not have, so this calculation is impossible.  If I am wrong and you have another band captured in the short wave infrared, you can use the NDVI calculation in the Image Analysis window.

Cody B

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