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Cannot read X Y dimension from OCO-2 Satellite Dataset NetCDF4 in ArcGIS Pro

11-21-2015 08:53 AM
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Occasional Contributor

Recently, i downloaded this NetCDF4 .nc4 file from OCO-2 (Orbiting Carbon Observatory) from NASA and i'd like to Make a Raster Layer using Multidimensional Tools in ArcGIS Pro (1.1). But when i try to create the raster layer i can't choose latitude and longitude as dimensions only the band dimension and sounding_id


The Description i received from Panoply (NetCDF Reader )for this data is the following.

File "oco2_LtCO2_140907_B7101Ar_150909172126s.nc4"
File type: Hierarchical Data Format, version 5

netcdf file: /C:/Users / Leandro / Documents / UIT % 20 Data / oco2_LtCO2_140907_B7101Ar_150909172126s.nc4 {
    dimensions: levels = 20;
    bands = 3;
    epoch_dimension = 7;
    source_files = 19;
    sounding_id = 46848;
    variables: short levels(levels = 20);

    short bands(bands = 3);

    float latitude(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "degrees_north";: long_name = "latitude";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
    : comment = "center latitude of the measurement";

    float longitude(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "degrees_east";: long_name = "longitude";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
    : comment = "center longitude of the measurement";

    double time(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00";: long_name = "time";: missing_value = -999999.0; // double

    float solar_zenith_angle(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "degrees";: long_name = "sounding_solar_zenith";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
    : comment = "solar zenith angle at the time of the measurement";

    float sensor_zenith_angle(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "degrees";: long_name = "sounding_zenith";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
    : comment = "zenith angle of the satellite at the time of the measurement";

    byte xco2_quality_flag(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "none";: long_name = "XCO2_Quality_Flag";: missing_value = 127 B; // byte
    : comment = "0=Good, 1=Bad";

    String source_files(source_files = 19);: comment = "Source L2 File Names for these soundings";: missing_value = "Missing";: units = "none";: long_name = "L2 Source File";

    byte file_index(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "none";: long_name = "L2 File Index";: missing_value = -1 B; // byte
    : comment = "1-Based Index of L2 File for each sounding";: _Unsigned = "true";

    byte warn_level(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "none";: long_name = "L2 Warn Level";: missing_value = 127 B; // byte
    : comment = "Data Quality Indicator.0=Most likely good; 19=least likely good";

    float xco2(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "ppm";: long_name = "XCO2";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
    : comment = "Column-averaged dry-air mole fraction of CO2 (includes bias correction)";

    float xco2_uncertainty(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "ppm";: long_name = "XCO2_Posterior_Error";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float

    float xco2_apriori(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "ppm";: long_name = "A priori XCO2 Value";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float

    float pressure_levels(sounding_id = 46848, levels = 20);: units = "hPa";: long_name = "Pressure_Levels";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
    : comment = "Pressure at each level; Defined on layer boundaries. These are oriented space-to-surface, so the first element defines the TOA, the last element defines the surface.";

    float co2_profile_apriori(sounding_id = 46848, levels = 20);: units = "ppm";: long_name = "CO2 Apriori Profile";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
    : comment = "Prior CO2 Prior assumed by L2 code; Defined on layer boundaries. These are oriented space-to-surface, so the first element defines the TOA, the last element defines the surface.";

    float xco2_averaging_kernel(sounding_id = 46848, levels = 20);: units = "none";: long_name = "XCO2 Column Averaging Kernel";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
    : comment = "Normalized XCO2 averaging kernel; Defined on layer boundaries. These are oriented space-to-surface, so the first element defines the TOA, the last element defines the surface.";

    float pressure_weight(sounding_id = 46848, levels = 20);: units = "none";: long_name = "Pressure Weighting Function";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
    : comment = "Pressure weighting function for each level; Defined on layer boundaries. These are oriented space-to-surface, so the first element defines the TOA, the last element defines the surface.";

    long sounding_id(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "YYYYMMDDhhmmssmf";: long_name = "OCO2 Sounding ID";: missing_value = 0 UL; // long
    : comment = "from scan time in UTC";: _Unsigned = "true";

    short date(sounding_id = 46848, epoch_dimension = 7);: units = "none";: long_name = "Observation date and time matching sounding_id";: missing_value = -9999 S; // short
    : comment = "Year, month (1-12), day (1-31), hour (0-23), minute (0-59), second (0-59), millisecond (0,300,or 700). Note this time is chosen to correspond exactly to the first 15 digits of sounding_id";

    group: Preprocessors {
        variables: float dp_abp(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "hPa";: long_name = "delta_surface_pressure_abp";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Retrieved-Prior Pressure from the fast O2A-band only preprocessor retrieval";

        float co2_ratio(sounding_id = 46848);: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Band 3 / Band 2 Ratio of retrieved Single-band XCO2 using IMAP-DOAS algorithm";: units = "dimensionless";: long_name = "CO2 Ratio";

        float h2o_ratio(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "dimensionless";: long_name = "H2O Ratio";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Band 3 / Band 2 Ratio of retrieved Single-band XH2O using IMAP-DOAS algorithm";


        group: Retrieval {
        variables: float T700(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "K";: long_name = "Temperature_at_700hPa";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Temperature at 700 hPa (from ECMWF)";

        byte surface_type(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "0=ocean;1=land";: long_name = "Surface Type";: missing_value = 127 B; // byte
        : comment = "Surface type used in the retrieval: 0=ocean and corresponds to a Coxmunk+Lambertian surface; 1=land and corresponds to a pure Lambertian surface";

        float psurf(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "hPa";: long_name = "Retrieved Surface Pressure";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Surface pressure retrieved by the Level-2 retrieval";

        float SigmaB(levels = 20);: units = "dimensionless";: long_name = "SigmaB_Coefficient";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Multiply Psurf by these values to get the pressure layer boundaries (= pressure levels)";

        float windspeed(sounding_id = 46848);: comment = "Surface wind speed retrieved by the Level-2 retrieval";: units = "m/s";: long_name = "Retrieved Surface Wind Speed";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float

        float windspeed_apriori(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "m/s";: long_name = "Prior Surface Wind Speed";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Surface wind speed retrieved by the Level-2 retrieval";

        float psurf_apriori(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "hPa";: long_name = "Prior Surface Pressure";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Prior surface pressure used in the retrieval, as determined by ECMWF short-term (0-9 hour) forecast";

        float fs(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "W/m^2/um/sr";: long_name = "Retrieved Fluorescence at 757 nm";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Simultaneous Fluorescence retrieval (at 757 nm) by L2 code; note this is different than the dedicated retrieval using only solar lines";

        float xco2_raw(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "ppm";: long_name = "Raw value of Retrieved XCO2";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float

        float s32(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "none";: long_name = "Signal_band3/Signal_band2";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Ratio of Band 3 to Band 2 signal level";

        float albedo_2(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "none";: long_name = "Band 2 Albedo";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Retrieved Band 2 (1.6 micron) surface albedo";

        float grad_co2(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "ppm";: long_name = "Retrieved CO2 vertical gradient (surface minus level 13) in ppm";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "level 13 is at P/Psurf=0.631579";

        float co2_grad_del(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "ppm";: long_name = "Change in CO2 vertical gradient (surface minus level 13), retrieved-apriori";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "level 13 is at P/Psurf=0.631579";

        float aod_dust(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "dimensionless";: long_name = "Dust Aerosol Optical Depth";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Retrieved Dust Aerosol Optical Depth at 0.755 microns";

        float logDWS(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "dimensionless";: long_name = "log(dust+water+salt)";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Retrieved max(log(aod_dust+aod_sulfate+aod_ss),-5), at 0.755 microns";

        float dp(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "hPa";: long_name = "Delta Psurf from L2";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Retrieved-Prior Pressure from the L2 Full-Physics retrieval";

        float aod_water(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "dimensionless";: long_name = "Water Cloud Optical Depth";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Retrieved Water Cloud Optical Depth at 0.755 microns";

        float aod_ice(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "dimensionless";: long_name = "Ice Cloud Optical Depth";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Retrieved Ice Cloud Optical Depth at 0.755 microns";

        float aod_sulfate(sounding_id = 46848);: comment = "Retrieved Sulfate Aerosol Optical Depth at 0.755 microns";: units = "dimensionless";: long_name = "Sulfate Aerosol Optical Depth";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float

        float aod_total(sounding_id = 46848);: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Retrieved Total Cloud+Aerosol Optical Depth at 0.755 microns";: units = "dimensionless";: long_name = "Total Cloud+Aerosol Optical Depth";

        float aod_bc(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "dimensionless";: long_name = "Black Carbon Optical Depth";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Retrieved Black Carbon Optical Depth at 0.755 microns";

        float aod_oc(sounding_id = 46848);: comment = "Retrieved Organic Carbon Optical Depth at 0.755 microns";: units = "dimensionless";: long_name = "Organic Carbon Optical Depth";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float

        float aod_seasalt(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "dimensionless";: long_name = "Sea Salt Optical Depth";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Retrieved Sea Salt Carbon Optical Depth at 0.755 microns";

        float reduced_chi_squared_per_band(sounding_id = 46848, bands = 3);: comment = "Reduced Chi-Squared for each band (1,2,3) of L2 spectral fit";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : units = "dimensionless";: long_name = "Reduced Chi-Squared of L2 Fit per band";

        float albedo_1(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "none";: long_name = "Band 1 Albedo";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : comment = "Retrieved Band 1 (0.76 micron) surface albedo";

        float albedo_3(sounding_id = 46848);: comment = "Retrieved Band 1 (2.04 micron) surface albedo";: units = "none";: long_name = "Band 3 Albedo";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float

        float albedo_slope_1(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "per wn";: long_name = "Retrieved Band 1 albedo slope";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float

        float albedo_slope_2(sounding_id = 46848);: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : units = "per wn";: long_name = "Retrieved Band 2 albedo slope";

        float albedo_slope_3(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "per wn";: long_name = "Retrieved Band 3 albedo slope";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float

        float deltaT(sounding_id = 46848);: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
        : units = "Kelvin";: long_name = "Retrieved Offset to Prior Temperature Profile in Kelvin";

        float h2o_scale(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "dimensionless";: long_name = "Retrieved scale factor to Prior Water Vapor Profile";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float


        group: Sounding {
            variables: float solar_azimuth_angle(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "degrees East of North";: long_name = "sounding_solar_azimuth";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
            : comment = "solar azimuth angle at the time of the measurement";

            float sensor_azimuth_angle(sounding_id = 46848);: comment = "azimuth angle of the satellite at the time of the measurement";: units = "degrees East of North";: long_name = "sounding_azimuth";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float

            byte land_fraction(sounding_id = 46848);: comment = "Fraction of the footprint that contains land in percent";: units = "percent";: long_name = "Land Fraction";: missing_value = 127 B; // byte

            float glint_angle(sounding_id = 46848);: comment = "Angular distance from viewing along the perfect glint direction";: units = "degrees";: long_name = "sounding_glint_angle";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float

            float airmass(sounding_id = 46848);: comment = "Airmass, computed as 1/cos(solar_zenith_angle) + 1/cos(sensor_zenith_angle)";: units = "degrees";: long_name = "relative_airmass";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float

            float snr_o2(sounding_id = 46848);: comment = "O2A-Band Continuum Signal-to-Noise Ratio";: units = "none";: long_name = "snr_O2_L1b";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float

            float snr_weak_co2(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "none";: long_name = "snr_weak_CO2_L1b";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
            : comment = "Weak CO2-Band Continuum Signal-to-Noise Ratio";

            float snr_strong_co2(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "none";: long_name = "snr_strong_CO2_L1b";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
            : comment = "Strong CO2-Band Continuum Signal-to-Noise Ratio";

            byte land_water_indicator(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "none";: long_name = "Land Water Indicator";: missing_value = 127 B; // byte
            : comment = "0=Land;1=Ocean;2=Inland Water;3=Mixed";

            float altitude(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "meters";: long_name = "Altitude";: missing_value = -999999.0 f; // float
            : comment = "Surface Altitude in meters above sea level";

            int l1b_type(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "none";: long_name = "JPL Processing Version";: missing_value = -9999; // int

            byte operation_mode(sounding_id = 46848);: missing_value = 127 B; // byte
            : comment = "Prior surface pressure used in the retrieval, as determined by ECMWF short-term (0-9 hour) forecast";: units = "none";: long_name = "OCO-2 Operation Mode: 0=Nadir, 1=Glint, 2=Target, 3=Transition to/from Target";

            int orbit(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "none";: long_name = "orbit number";: missing_value = -9999; // int
            : comment = "OCO-2 orbit number since mission start";

            byte path(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "none";: long_name = "OCO-2 orbit path number";: missing_value = -1 B; // byte
            : comment = "OCO-2 fixed orbit path number ranging from 1-233";: _Unsigned = "true";

            byte footprint(sounding_id = 46848);: units = "none";: long_name = "Footprint Number";: missing_value = 127 B; // byte
            : comment = "Index of OCO-2 Sounding 1-8";

        // global attributes:
        : filter_function = "oco2_xco2_quality_flag_b70";: bc_function = "oco2_bias_correct_b70";: warn_level_function = "oco2_warn_levels_b70";: Bias_Correction_land_ND = "XCO2_Bias_Corrected = (XCO2_Raw + 0.300*(dp - 1.40) + 0.600*(logDWS + 2.90) + 0.0280*(co2_grad_del - 8.40) - footprint_bias)/0.99550";: Bias_Correction_land_GL = "XCO2_Bias_Corrected = (XCO2_Raw + 0.300*(dp - 1.40) + 0.600*(logDWS + 2.90) + 0.0280*(co2_grad_del - 8.40) - footprint_bias)/0.99700";: Bias_Correction_land_TG = "XCO2_Bias_Corrected = (XCO2_Raw + 0.300*(dp - 1.40) + 0.600*(logDWS + 2.90) + 0.0280*(co2_grad_del - 8.40) - footprint_bias)/0.99700";: Bias_Correction_land_XS = "XCO2_Bias_Corrected = (XCO2_Raw + 0.300*(dp - 1.40) + 0.600*(logDWS + 2.90) + 0.0280*(co2_grad_del - 8.40) - footprint_bias)/0.99625";: Bias_Correction_ocean = "XCO2_Bias_Corrected = (XCO2_Raw + 0.0800*(dp - 3.10) - 0.0770*(co2_grad_del + 7.70) - footprint_bias)/0.99900";: Footprint_bias_land_ND = "Assumed footprint biases in xco2 [ppm] for footprints 1-8: 0.19, 0.13, 0.00, -0.01, -0.16, 0.11, -0.21, -0.05";: Footprint_bias_land_GL = "Assumed footprint biases in xco2 [ppm] for footprints 1-8: 0.06, 0.07, -0.05, 0.02, -0.13, 0.18, -0.13, -0.02";: Footprint_bias_land_TG = "Assumed footprint biases in xco2 [ppm] for footprints 1-8: 0.06, 0.00, -0.12, 0.00, -0.05, 0.21, -0.12, 0.04";: Footprint_bias_land_XS = "Assumed footprint biases in xco2 [ppm] for footprints 1-8: 0.12, 0.10, -0.03, 0.00, -0.14, 0.15, -0.17, -0.04";: Footprint_bias_ocean = "Assumed footprint biases in xco2 [ppm] for footprints 1-8: -0.23, -0.07, -0.13, -0.10, -0.03, 0.35, -0.03, 0.24";: Bias_Uncertainty = "Bias correction parameter uncertainties are given in the data users guide.";: Note_regarding_bias_correction = "There is some uncertainty in not only the bias correction coefficients but in the chosen parameters themselves. This release bias correction may be slightly different that of previous releases, and also somewhat different from those of previous ACOS algorithm versions.  This has to do with details of the particular retrieval algorithm version and is considered normal (though not ideal).";: Platform = "OCO-2";: Sensor = "OCO-2";: title = "ACOS L2 Lite Output";: BuildId = "B7.1.01A";: filtering_state = "Filtered with oco2_lite_file_prefilter_b70";: creation_date = "Sep 2015";: contact = "Chris O\'Dell:";

Can anybody give me some guidance for this issue. I'm relatively new into netCDF data


Leandro Zamudio

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