Mosaic Product Definition for DJI Mavic M3M and Indicies Visualisation Profiles

08-07-2024 07:29 PM
Occasional Contributor

Hi Everyone,

I'm looking at streamlining the imagery management of multispectral imagery from a DJI Mavic M3M that has been processed into a single multiband tif. My thoughts are that I'll load the processed orthomosaics into a mosaic dataset as per our other methodology for dealing with these site captures from RGB imagery but wanted to improve the smarts when dealing with multispectral datasets. I was wondering if anyone already has a mosaic product definition for a DJI Mavic M3M system or other drone based multispectral camera?

I was also looking to streamline the visualisation of the image indicies and was wondering if anyone has already created the raster function templates for these and how these are converted to processing templates and uploaded to portal for the new map viewer?


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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

There is no specific product for the M3M. As the image is pre-processed as a 4band ortho you can create a new mosaic dataset (with default parameters) and then add the Multispectral imagery it should add appropriately. It will take properties of the first image added. Alternatively can set the number of bands etc first. Prior to adding the image you will want to ensure it has pyramids which will speed up access. Alternatively convert it to a cloud optimized format such as CRF (or COG or MRF).  Once added you should be able to see and set raster functions.  The link provides documentation on the default and custom raster functions.. My recommendation would be to add a "AcquisitionDate" field to the mosaic dataset and define the data for this and subsequent images you add to the mosaic dataset. This will simplify a range of temporal tasks such as change detection. The mosaic dataset can also be published to ArcGIS Image Server. You could publish the mosaic dataset to ArcGIS Online.

An alternative workflow would be to directly load the image to ArcGIS Online as tiled imagery. Group the images from multiple dates into a folder in ArcGIS Online. Then look to create a catalog layer that provides a single access point to the images from different dates.

In both cases there are many raster function template as defaults and ones you can access from ArcGIS Online or use the raster function editor to create your own.


Occasional Contributor

Thank you for your reply Peter but that doesn't actually seem to work for me. I have an 8 band MS imagery with the following band profile:

1 Red

2 Green

3 Blue

4 Green Narrow

5 Red Narrow

6 Red Edge


8 Alpha

When I load just an individual tif into Pro it is displayed correctly. However, if I add this to a mosaic with the default profile it shows only black & white image. Is there any reason this would be happening?

I've tried editing the Processing Template to only extract the first 3 bands into the mosaic and it doesn't seem to work either. Is there a trick to defining the import datasets in a template?

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