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Undo/Redo button for adding control points when georeferencing an image

2 weeks ago
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

It would be great to add a button somewhere (in the control points table?) where you can undo adding a control point and redo adding the same control point when georeferencing an image. I recall this functionality in ArcMap and I am missing is in ArcPro. It would help my workflow to be able to toggle/compare the image shift when a control point is added and removed because it's much easier to visualize the shift than having to delete the point and re-add it again. In the beginning, I tried to use the editing undo/redo but all that does is undo layer visibility settings in my Contents or undo whatever edit was made. To me, georeferencing is editing, so maybe the creation of control points in georeferencing should be considered an edit and added into the editing undo/redo functions.