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WebGISDR backup failing in 10.8.1

11-01-2023 05:25 AM
Emerging Contributor


We have a HA available ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1 environment hosted on  Windows VMS in the Azure cloud. We have Portal servers setup in a HA mode(active-standby) and 2 federated server sites and a hosting server site. The federation status shows the server site as healthy.

The enterprise site configuration is held in a domain joined Azure File store. A single domain account has been used to run the site and has been granted full permissions in the arcgis directories, config-store and on the arcgisserver folder in the local machines. The site works quite normally and we are able to connect using Pro.

However, we found that when we run webgisdr backup utility, it runs for a while and fails with a message that a temporary file generated in the arcgisout folder to be missing.  This issue is  happening with one of the two federated server sites. WebGISDr reported that it was able to successfully backup the other federated and the hosting sites. 

ERROR [pool-1-thread-3] com.esri.arcgis.webgis.component.service.impl.ServerDRService - {"code":500,"messages":["Export operation failed. Source path '<path to the Azure file share>\\utilitymaps\\arcgisserver\\directories\\arcgisoutput\\UtilityServices\\UtilityAssets_MapServer\\_ags_legend_0c477456be784e72893e11e55aa83b69.png' does not exist."],"status":"error"}

We also found PNG files getting generated in ArcGIS Output folders to be not getting cleared within 10 minutes - the max age of files after which the files have to be deleted. Some times we found the files to be persisting beyond 24 or 48 hours.  In short, ArcGIS Server file clearing service was found to be removing the files infrequently. We then used the Clean directories REST endpoint after which the files were forcibly getting cleared. 

Interestingly, the WebGISDr backup utility works ONLY when we use the clear directories REST endpoint.  We are now invoking this REST endpoint before running WebGISDr. However, WebGISDr backup fails if we do not invoke this rest endpoint.

I am not sure why WebGISDr backup is trying to fetch files from arcgisoutput folder which by all means is an output which need not be backed up at all.

Has anyone come across this issue?

Will summarize. Thanks!


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