What skills does a GIS analyst need to do her/his work?
A GIS analyst needs the following skills:
1. Be familiar with the concepts and terms of GIS.
2. Should have the ability to analyze spatial and non spatial data.
3. Be familiar with GIS software and have analytical thinking.
4. At least should have the programming ability of one or two languages.
5. GIS analyst should present his/her analysis in the form of maps and graphs to executives because the managers and executives do not have enough time to read the narrative reports.
Its important to figure out a section of the GIS world that interests you and hone your skills within that area. Its very vital to choose a programming language that you want to learn and spend time developing the skills.
We focus more on ArcGIS. Thanks for your time.
I think the number one skill an analyst needs, and one I tried to foster while teaching GIS, is problem solving. An analyst needs to understand all the moving parts of GIS such as, features, attribute data, definition queries, projections, symbology, data pitfalls such as null values or non-mutually exclusive attributes, software, hardware, and networks and figure out why something isn't working or is providing unexpected results.
Thank you for sharing knowledge and idea. Precise, discovering all patterns and trends through analyzing spatial data and mapping of data.
From my perspective, a GIS analyst needs proficiency in GIS software and spatial databases, along with skills in data management, spatial analysis, and cartographic design. Programming abilities in languages like Python, domain-specific knowledge, problem-solving understanding, effective communication, and project management are also crucial. Continuous learning to stay updated with GIS trends completes the skillset.
Thank you for your time and info. No doubt that proficiency with database programming and capability of geospatial skill makes works essay and interesting.
True. But it is not needed to know explicit programming. That is where it becomes less of a analyst and more of a developer role. SOme places dont understand that.
Thank you for your kind response. The GIS analyst ideally should have the same skills as a GIS developer, but GIS developer require to have more deeper knowledge and skills an a GIS analyst. The GIS analyst role is not as the role of business analyst who looks after the process, while the software developer role in business environment is more important for executives to have better understanding of the business process.
With all the apps and the information on how to curate them constanly changing and updating, it is not correct that the analyst should have the same programming skills as a developer. That is why there are two different job entities. In this day of age knowing all the ins and outs of ArcGIS Enterprise and then knowing javascript is too much both are changing daily and it is too much for one person to learn in addition to the other facets of GIS that i sneeded to know.