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Youth, Senior, and Population Density Global Datasets Now Available!

02-17-2015 06:40 PM
Occasional Contributor
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With the recent release of three global datasets, you can now view youth, senior, and population density for more than 100 countries around the world. To create this map, I utilized demographic data from numerous distributors and ran a modified version of the Urban Observatory Data Loading Tools for each theme.

Click here* for the Youth Population Global Dataset.

Click here* for the Senior Population Global Dataset.

Click here* for the Population Density Global Dataset.

*The scales available are currently from 4,000,000 to 72,000; if you do not see the service, make sure you are searching the maps within the scale extent.




About the Author
A geographer and storyteller, Jennifer is a lover of all things maps. She is the product manager for ArcGIS StoryMaps and is passionate about improving the storytelling experience and advocating for authors and readers. Explore ArcGIS StoryMaps to tell your story!