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Featuring Your Work in the Living Atlas of the World

10-01-2015 05:31 PM
Occasional Contributor
1 0 421

You've got lots of great layers, maps, and apps out in the ArcGIS Online world, but if you really want your work to be seen and used by others, try hosting it in the Living Atlas of the World. It's a home for items that have gone through a quality check so that you can know that you're seeing the best work out there.

Esri created a Contributor App which makes it really easy for you to nominate your items into the Living Atlas. I created this short video to show you how and why you should use this app. Enjoy!

About the Author
A geographer and storyteller, Jennifer is a lover of all things maps. She is the product manager for ArcGIS StoryMaps and is passionate about improving the storytelling experience and advocating for authors and readers. Explore ArcGIS StoryMaps to tell your story!