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How to Post and Respond to GIS Jobs in this Group

08-22-2020 11:13 AM
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How to Post and Respond to GIS Jobs in this Group

To post a job in this space, follow these instructions:

  • Open jobs MUST have an element related to using, managing, developing, or administering GIS. In other words, no random job postings having nothing to do with GIS.
  • Create a job posting
    • Add a document to GIS Jobs (From the group's Create a post menu, select create a document, or from the documents board, click create an article).
    • Copy the job description from your Career or Jobs web site OR you provide some minimal info following this template:
      • Subject - such as "Looking for a community manager at XYZ Solutions"
      • Title of the job opening - "Senior Community Manager"
      • Job status: Full time, part time, contractor, intern, etc.
      • Job description
      • Requirements/skills
      • Closed on - date the posting expires
      • Always link to your job posting online so that people know where to go for more information.
      • Select the category for your open position (i.e. GIS Developer). Let Timothy Hales know if categories need to be added.
    • Include your contact info and be responsive. Since direct messages in the GeoNet community only work if someone is following you and vice versa, be sure to include how interested people can contact you OUTSIDE the GeoNet community (company email address is great). Manage your responses to people who indicate they are interested in your opening. We do not want people to feel like their interest about an opening is going into a black hole.

If you are going to respond to a job opening:

  • To view a posting anonymously, first log-off from the Esri Community, then click through to the post. You may need to open up an incognito/private browser to prevent your authentication cookies from logging you in.
  • Respond by applying to the job opening as show on their company job board. It's okay to ask questions or comments in line with the document, but if you'd like to apply for the job please apply for the job directly.
    • Tips for applying:
      • Think of your response as a cover letter. Write a short summary of how your experience/skills would fit the position.
      • Put a little of yourself in the message. Show them what you'd be like to work with and how you write.
      • Include online contact information. Consider providing links to outside profiles such as LinkedIn.
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Last update:
‎07-06-2021 09:31 AM
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