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tbx files at 10

06-01-2010 09:27 AM
MVP Honored Contributor
When installing 10, the tbx files are not being copied to their new location, so they have to be manually moved, is this expected?

ArcGIS 10.
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4 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

I'm not sure what you're referring to. Can you provide some more information?
What toolboxes - system ones, custom ones...?
Are you performing a copy operation and it's failing?
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MVP Honored Contributor
The custom tbx (My Toolboxes) files that were part of a previous install, are not being copied to the new 10 install location.  sde files are copied, but tbx among a few are not copied to their respective location.

I can manually copy fine, its just I was expecting to open and see them in their correct location.  sde files have been correctly copied, I just thought tbx, odc, and ims files should be copied as well.

Does this make sense?
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Esri Regular Contributor
I understand now - thanks.
Let me look into that.
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MVP Honored Contributor
Thank you Kevin.
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