I have a problem. I need to not have decimal places after number (field type is double). Whenever I work with data in ArcGIS 10.1 and later load that same data in any other program I've got 11 decimal places after round number. That creates a problem in other programs. I tried to save my data by converting with Feature class to feature class and manually correct the scale and precision to 0 but again when I upload data to old ArcView I have 11 decimal places. How can I restrict/limit my field data to 0 decimal places. I
Thank you for your help.
Hi Aylla,
You can add a new field (Datatype: LONG). Just write the fieldname in the Field Calculator within Int() function.
e.g. Field_Long = Int([Field_Double])
And, if you didn't want to simply truncate your double into an integer you could do this :
Field_Long = Int([Field_Double] + 0.5)
It is not necessary to convert to integer when calculating the long type field equal to the double or float field. In fact, if you simply calculate it as Field_long = Field_double, the numbers will be rounded correctly..
spot on!