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Finding overlapping polygons

06-24-2010 06:18 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hi everyone,

I need to find all of the places where I have overlap in my polygons. I downloaded a tool that someone built that works great to find where the overlap is, but it only exports to a .txt and I need it to a .dbf or something so I can link it back to the table. I need to know what I'm looking at for areas of overlap - ie: how much area.

Is there another tool that allows me to find overlap, or even pull the overlap out into it's over feature class? I feel like I used to be able to just Intersect the layer with itself and it would pump back just the overlapping polygons. I really feel like that's the process I used to run, but maybe that wasn't it. Any ideas? It feels like it should be really easy and something lots of people use or need.

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9 Replies
Emerging Contributor
I should clarify more, that Intersect does work, but it gives back all of the places where the overlap is and however many times it overlaps -- ie: if it is overlapped by 3 other polygons, the layer contains that polygon 3 times.

So I want what the Intersect gives back BUT I just want 1 record of each.

Thanks again!
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Frequent Contributor

Hey Jessica,

I usually use this tool to accomplish this task. It creates A LOT of polygons, but it gets the job done. The other approaches suggested will help you get rid of overlap and get similar answers but this one does returns shapes.
I actually just used it to create this map of willingness to travel overlap in Florida.


David Wasserman, AICP
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Deactivated User
Have you tried a topology rule of no overlap?
Occasional Contributor
here is my solution, which is working perfectly for me.
first intersect layer "A" and layer "A_copy"
after select all the overlapping polygons by query "FID_A <> FID_A_copy" and export to new layer.
Now calculate the area in the new layer and remove the all the duplicate based on area field
hope that will help you.
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New Contributor
I ran into this problem a while back when I was trying to finish up my master's project. The solution submitted by irfan works fine in most cases, but there are certain situations where this will produce erroneous results. Have a look at the following thread from the old forum archives, where I posted a link to a script that handles this all in one fell swoop:

The link to the script is at the bottom of the thread in the last post, but reading through the entire thread will give you a better idea of the problems a few of us ran into with irfan's solution.

If you don't want to bother reading the old thread, the script can be downloaded directly from the following link:

Good luck,

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Honored Contributor
Here's another tool (SuperRegionPoly):

Among other things, it locates and counts areas of overlapping polygons.
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Emerging Contributor
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate that. This problem doesn't seem all that odd, I wish there was a "delete overlap" button. I toyed around with the topology but am just getting used to it, so I need to learn more about doing a batch fix.

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the input!
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Frequent Contributor
I use 2 different ways..

1 easy.. intersect and then disolve (assuming the attributes will disolve the overlaps...)

or the anoying one I allways end up resorting to

  • USe Unions to output complete dataset with the overlaps.

  • copy to a personal GDB

  • close arcmap

  • open the PGDB in access

  • add a field called DeleteMe.

  • create a "Create table" query using totals and group by the ShapeAreaNew: round([shape_area[,4) make sure you have the Unique ID in this query(eg object ID) and select oone of first/last/max/min.

  • create the new table

  • create a new "Update" query and joint the new table with the GIS table using the UniqueID(eg obkjectID) showing all records from the GIS table(this is a outer or inner join)

  • make this query update the DeleteMe field to "Not Meeeee" where there is a relationship based on existing in the other table.

  • then back to arcmap

  • select by location: based on the intersection output to highlight ALL of the overlaping polygons ONLY!

  • select by attributes on delete me to remove from selection "Not Meeeee"

  • Done! Hacked up eh.. it usulay takes me about 10 minutes to do this and I"ve done it a fair few times...

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by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor
I should clarify more, that Intersect does work, but it gives back all of the places where the overlap is and however many times it overlaps -- ie: if it is overlapped by 3 other polygons, the layer contains that polygon 3 times.

So I want what the Intersect gives back BUT I just want 1 record of each.

Thanks again!

I hope you have the ArcInfo license so that you can do one of the following ways:
- Use Feature To Polygon tool on your intersection (duplicated) polygons. This tool produces only one polygon from multiple identical polygons.
- Or use Delete Identical tool to delete duplicated ones. This tool may leave some duplicated features in some cases; we are working on a fix to this problem. The workaround is to run Delete Identical another time, if Find Identical tool still finds duplicates.

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