I have a line shapefile (file A) with hundreds of individual lines (animal movement lines) and a second shapefile (file B) with a series of line segments that make up a larger line (a freeway). I would like find which lines in file A cross over the lines in file B. I am not interested in the points of intersection, but just which lines cross. In other words I want a filtered version of file A with just the lines that cross over file B. The intersect tool only seems to be able to give me the points of intersection.
Use the spatial join geoprocessing tool (not the right click option from the TOC though). If you specify File A (critter paths) as the target and File B (freeway) as the join features, uncheck the option to keep target features, then used "Crossed by the Outline of" as the Match Option, you'll get the result you want.
It worked! Thank you!
Select Layer By Location (Data Management)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
with the intersect option would be a good place to start
Spatial Join (Analysis)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
would be another