Hey Caleb and all others,
Thanks for the many responses. Caleb, the first reply was a good process, there was user error involved. The file I was trying to copy parallel was a continuous line, with no segments and many that formed a polygon (even though the properties listed as polyline). Once I disconnected I deleted vertersies and created two separate lines, the tool worked! I did crash the program quite a few times before I made the discovery (tool thought it was a polygon). So, it is probably not the computers faught!!! I have experienced crash of the software with a Dell Precision T3500 workstation, 64 bit, Xeon Quad Core with 8 Gigs of ram, so don't feel bad 🙂 !
The rest of you guys and gals, I appreciate the responses and will be sure to read and keep for future reference.
Thanks to everyone that responded.