Oracle 18c 10.7.1 EGDB:
In an SQL query, is there a way to select rows that have:
Did you mean from Oracle directly (without ArcGIS)?
Hi Dana,
Yes. I'm hoping to use a query in SQL Developer for this. Or a database view. I edited the question to clarify.
But I suppose that same solution (an SQL query) could also be used in an ArcGIS Pro definition query or Select By Attributes — by nesting the query in a subquery:
objectid in
<my query or view>)
I'm currently working on writing an SQL query. I'll let you know what I come up with.
Here's what I came up with:
--create or replace view qc_lc_events_fields_vs_domains_vw as select objectid, event_id, field_domain_mismatch --Only displays the first problem field that's found for each row. Once the first problem is fixed, the next problem will be displayed. from ( select a.objectid, a.event_id, --Info about DECODE and nulls: case when decode(a.event_status, b.code, 'SAME', 'DIFF') = 'DIFF' then 'EVENT_STATUS' when decode(a.asset_class, c.code, 'SAME', 'DIFF') = 'DIFF' then 'ASSET_CLASS' when decode(a.strategy, d.code, 'SAME', 'DIFF') = 'DIFF' then 'STRATEGY' when decode(a.activity, e.domain_code, 'SAME', 'DIFF') = 'DIFF' then 'ACTIVITY' when decode(a.project_lead, f.code, 'SAME', 'DIFF') = 'DIFF' then 'PROJECT_LEAD' when decode(a.side, g.code, 'SAME', 'DIFF') = 'DIFF' then 'SIDE' end as field_domain_mismatch from infrastr.lc_events a left join infrastr.d_event_status_vw b on a.event_status = b.code left join infrastr.sub_lc_events_asset_class_vw c on a.asset_class = c.code left join infrastr.d_strategy_vw d on a.strategy = d.code left join infrastr.d_activity_lc_events_asset_class_subtype_vw e on a.asset_class = e.subtype_code and a.activity = e.domain_code left join infrastr.d_municipality_vw f on a.project_lead = f.code left join infrastr.d_direction_vw g on a.side = g.code ) where field_domain_mismatch is not null
Source for the domain views (the views that start with "d_" such as d_event_status_vw):
Source for the domain view d_activity_lc_events_asset_class_subtype_vw (also has subtype columns):
Source for the subtype view sub_lc_events_asset_class_vw: