Does any one knows when the Replica Schema Changes will be available in ArcGIS Pro? till now ArcGIS Pro 3.0 has released and it doesn't support Replica Schema changes, should I use ArcMap for schema changes! and if yes, as we know ArcMap cannot be installed with Enterprise 11
Hi @DasheEbra
You are correct, ArcGIS Pro 3.0 does not have the compare replica schema option. You can still continue to use ArcMap for this workflow. Please post this on the ArcGIS ideas page for more visibility.
@MarlonAmaya that makes sense. We are using the arcmap equivalent of this workflow. Will the changes for PRO2.9 vs PRO3.X for Compare Schema be affecting any of the coding or syntax of the Arcmap Compare Schema workflow in any way?
Maybe a second question would be has there been a tool/workflow implemented to replace Compare Schema if it is fully dropped from PRO 3.X?
@GIS_Fox Thank you for the response.
I would recommend to submit the idea in our Ideas page to engage users regarding the possibility of compare schema workflow being incorporated in Pro. You can also submit a support ticket and see what other resources can be provided or possibly an enhancement.
The best resources I can provide when comparing 2.9 vs 3.0 are below.