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Resourcing layers in a new database connection

03-25-2015 01:11 PM
Regular Contributor


If we took our existing SDE database schema and moved it to a new server, how would that effect our existing MXDs?

Would we be able to just resource a single layer, and then all the rest would get resolved, or would we have to resource each layer, one at a time??


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4 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Hi B,

a couple of things:

  • If you open your MXDs in an environment where the old database is not reachable, you may encounter significant timeouts per layer - we've seen that with Oracle, you don't say what RDBMS you're using. There are some ways to circumvent this, involving fake entries in TNSNAMES.ORA etc. - maybe you won't see this.
  • If your MXD has broken links after opening (these red exclamation marks), you can repair the data source (context menu on layer, Data, Repair Datasource) on this first broken link by navigating to the new FCL in your new database, and all the other broken links that find  their FCL in the new workspace should be repaired.
  • Finally, if you have a lot of MXDs, consider using Python to repoint the layers.


by Anonymous User
Not applicable

You can try these other approachs (it is not needed to open the mxds):

- Use the "Set Data Source(s)" func. in ArcCatalog to change the datasource of one/selected/all layers in your mxds.
- If all your mxd use the same connection file, change the paramameters of the conections file so it points to the correct database.

Best regards


Regular Contributor

Martin, Jesus,

Thanks for the options.  We are considering some sort of tool to help with repointing the layers.  I think as part of the migration from our current Oracle to a new SQL based SDE will also be the renaming of all of our layers.  I think that will pose problems with repairing the broken links with just a single-click.

With changing the connection file, how would you do that?  I've opened it in a text editor, but it is just jibberish.


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by Anonymous User
Not applicable


Do you mean change from Oracl to SQL Server? Are you going to change the name of the layers or the complete name: ?

I meant changing the parameters of the connection file directly with ArcCatalog. The connection parameters can vary: DB type, service, user, etc .. but the file name can remain the same.

A python script would be helpfull....


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