I have a points feature class located within a file geodatabase feature dataset. When I bring it into my map no features display, however the attribute table is fully populated. I've tried to export the feature class to fall outside of the dataset at the root level and get the same results. When I export the feature class to a shapefile, the shapefile plots as expected displaying all of the features. I've tried clearing my cache and updating the spatial index with no results. Also selecting a feature within the table and trying to zoom doesn't work or change the display. Feature class has ~300,000 features and is distributed throughout Canada.
Has anyone encountered this before?
Hi @KelseyM
Odd behavior.
Here are some recommendations:
Hi Marlon,
I tried deleting and recreating the spatial index, no luck with that. Unfortunately I do not have the required extension for the data loading tools.
HI @KelseyM ,
You mentioned you tried to exported from a dataset to the root level.
What about just simply copy/paste into a new file geodatabase?
Hi @MarlonAmaya
Same results, won't display the features
Have you tried changing the symbology symbol/color? (If it now draws, you can change it back.)
Have seen it where this 'fixes' that issue. Not sure if it is because symbology used doesn't exist anymore or what, but pretty quick/easy to check.
I have, unfortunately it didn't change anything.
Projection definition etc. possibly. Check/repair Geometry.
Dataframe/Map projection.
Definition query on the data.
Transparency, symbols too small etc.
symbology excluding those values and no 'other' symbol value set.
attributes not belonging to s subtype if subtypes set.
Edits not saved.
I am having this same problem! Only 15 points in my feature class, but only one is rendering. I have had this before and not found a solution other than starting over... I don't see any solution here yet... anybody find anything that works???
I had the same problem.
Project coordinate system was ETRS89 UTM32N, X value 6 digits (without leading zone number).
Point list imported and XY values displayed as points had coordinate system ETRS89 UTM32N, X value 8 digits.
Coordinate systems were properly defined for project / layer and point feature class. However, the points would not display (or only at very small scales).
My expectation was that ArcGIS Pro could handle this with on-the-fly projection. Turned out it could not.
Projecting (Data Management Tools / Projections and Transformations / Project) the point feature class to ETRS89 UTM32N, X value 6 digits solved the problem.