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Oracle Database to SQL Server

05-20-2021 07:02 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hi I am new to Geodatabase.

We have a database in Oracle for Geodatabase. We need to migrate it to the MS SQL Server. There is one column as data type "ST_GEOMETRY" in Oracle table. What should the data type in MS SQL Server to match it?

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12 Replies
Emerging Contributor


I exported the file into shapefile, then I imported the shapefile into the MS SQL Server via the ArcGIS Pro. However, I have the Shape column in Oracle as T_GEMERTY column, the value in the MS SQL is become something that I don't recognize like "0xE61000......", and additional column call GDB_GEOMATTR_DATA.

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Esri Notable Contributor

Yes, that is correct. In SQL Server the geometry is stored in a different format than ST_Geometry in Oracle.

Can you please send me a DM so that we can connect outside this thread?

--- George T.
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Esri Esteemed Contributor

No, no, no! Don't use shapefile to transfer data between SQL databases -- It will corrupt any numeric NULLs, datetime or string data exceeding 254 width (not to mention all field names in excess of ten characters).

File geodatabase was designed to support all the types likely to be found in either database.  Note that there could be reserved word issues to resolve after export but before import.

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