Hello everyone,
When an editor was working in ArcMap, the connection was lost to the geodatabase in an editing version session, The version shows now as locked in Sde Sql server 2019 .
We disconnected all processes from geodatabase and tried to delete the version in ArcCatalog with the admin account, but it does not work.
Lock request conflicts with an established lock [...][STATE_ID = 417401]. What else ca we do?
Hello, what you mean by "Admin Account" ??? you mean that you disconnected all users / services connections from the geodatabase and connected in ArcCatalog with the "sde" user and tried to delete the version and you still could not delete the version. In that case then open the "locks" tab and delete all the locks, close ArcCatalog then open ArcCatalog connect as "sde" user and try to delete the version, open the "connections" tab and always make sure only the "sde" user is connected to the geodatabase.
Manage geodatabase locks—ArcMap | Documentation (arcgis.com)
TIP - how to truncate the sde.gdb_locks table manually
1. ask all users to close ArcMap/ArcCatalog
2. this disconnects all users connections
3. stop all ArcGIS Server Services
4. ArcCatalog connect as the "sde" user and check if all connections are closed, the SQL Server Administrator can also check this in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
5. close ArcCatalog
6. In SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) truncate the sde.gdb_locks table.
use <database_name>
truncate table sde.gdb_locks;
7. this cleans all the locks
I hope this helps.
Hello @JoseSanchez
In addition to the above suggestion we can run queries to check orphaned locks and delete them if necessary:
select * from sde.SDE_table_locks
where sde_id not in (select sde_id from sde.SDE_process_information)
order by sde_id
select * from sde.SDE_layer_locks
where sde_id not in (select sde_id from sde.SDE_process_information)
order by sde_id
select * from sde.SDE_object_locks
where sde_id not in (select sde_id from sde.SDE_process_information)
order by sde_id
select * from sde.SDE_state_locks
where sde_id not in (select sde_id from sde.SDE_process_information)
order by sde_id