Hello guys,
I'm setting up a geonetwork to harvester metadata from my ESRI geodatabase (created in Postgres\postgis).
But when running the harvester I get the message "ERROR [geonetwork.harvester.arcsde] - Error getting ArcSDE connection (via JDBC)" and "java.sql.SQLException: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Authentication type 10 is not supported. Check that you have configured the pg_hba.conf file including the client's subnet or IP address, and that you are using the authentication scheme supported by the driver.)"
From what I found in some geonetwork documentation, I can't connect the ESRI geodatabase, because the database connection *.jar library is closed source\ESRI owner.
My question is, where can I download or build the JDBC *.jar ESRI file that connects to the Geodatabase Database (postgres)
My configuration:
Geonetwork = version 3.10.2
Apache Tomcat = 8
Java = 8
Best regards,