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Error: The Fields collection contained multiple Global ID fields.

02-06-2015 08:08 AM
Emerging Contributor

Trying to do a simple spatial join between points and the polygons they fall inside.


The error message "The Fields collection contained multiple Global ID fields." is thrown every time.  I've tried both a file and personal GDB.


If I try to save the results out as a shapefile, I get this error: "The Field type is invalid or unsupported for the operation. [GLOBALID]".


I've tried turning off the GlobalID fields prior to running the spatial join but the same errors happen.


Any idea what's going on? I'm at a loss when simple functions fail.

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6 Replies
Frequent Contributor


I'm not quite getting this.

It seems that in the join process you're trying to join your data using the GlobalId field. Are you?

If not, and you still get this error, the simplest way seems trying to export your original features to shapefiles, then performing the join.

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Frequent Contributor

I'm sorry,

I get it now. Je.

You can't perform the join operation inside the GDB because the GlobalId field must be unique in the results, also, I understand that the GlobalID field is exclusive for GDB so you can't export your results to a shapefile.

So, you should eliminate the global Id fields inside the GDB and then perform the joins (if that doesn't affect to your work flow) or instead, as i said before, exporting the data to a shapefile and then perform the join operation.

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Emerging Contributor

To clarify, the data is in an SDE database. I cannot get rid of the GlobalID fields.

I am joining the attributes of the polygon to the point feature that falls within that polygon.

The resulting export join feature class is going to either a file or personal GDB or a shapefile.  All 3 throw an error.

I did the work around of first exporting out to a shapefile before doing the join but that should not have to be done and I haven't had to do that until today. 

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Emerging Contributor

Also, Global IDs are unique within the SDE database so there are no identical GlobalIDs between the two feature classes.

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Frequent Contributor

If you can't get rid of GlobalIDs and in case you have all the points inside a polygon you could use the Intersection Tool to achieve that

New Contributor

Aşağıdaki işlem adımlarını uygulayın;

Layer  Properties > Field > 1 or 2  x Global ID uncheck

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