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Creating Branch Versions

07-05-2022 02:42 PM
Occasional Contributor III

I have been using branch versioning for a while for my parcel fabric.  And now I wanted to use this sort of feature service for more of my data layers.  I have a SQL server database, and have successfully created a database connection, with a geodatabase connection type of "branch versioning."  And I have been able to actually edit using the feature service that I created.  My only problem is that I cannot seem to change from the default version and create any additional versions.  When I right click on the data tab to try to manage the versions, it is grayed out.  See below:


When I go to the connection properties, this is what I show:


I am not sure what I missed in the process of setting this up.  Any ideas?




Matt Syvertson

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6 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

Did you enable the Version Management Server (VMS) when you shared the service?

I did this same thing and determined I forgot to enable the VMS on the service.

--- George T.
0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor III

I remember those settings when publishing my parcel fabric, but I couldn't find them when creating this service.  I just looked, and I still do not see them.  There must be a problem in the geodatabase??

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Esri Frequent Contributor

If you open one of the feature class properties from the Enterprise Geodatabase, what are the properties for versioning in the dialog?

It sounds like the data is not properly configured for branch versioned.

--- George T.
0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor III

It says versioned.  And the connection says versioned.  And it lets me edit, but does not allow me to create or change versions.  I am going to try copying the dataset to a database that is already working in branch and see if that works there...



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Esri Frequent Contributor

Ok, thanks for that. These things are hard to troubleshoot via forums. It may be best to work with technical support on this.

I think it is just a small configuration needed.

--- George T.
0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor III

This did NOT fix the issue.  I am going to open up a trouble ticket and I will report back here afterwards with summary.

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