Good Morning, I have a problem when try register a spatial query with a geodatabase, the tool of ArcCatalog do everything well, but when I want see the feature layer in ArcMAP only I can see tabular information, do you know what happen?
Did you review this doc for all the requirements? Register a table or view with the geodatabase—ArcGIS Help | Documentation
What was the source that was registered, a DB view?
Is the view contained within the same GDB?
Hello George, thanks you by respons to my problem.
The source registered was a table created in oracle, this table have an field of type st_geometry called SHAPE and a field that has values unique and not null, this field works as OBJECTID.
Yes, this table is within the same GDB.
Yesterday I did a test, I exported the feature class to a file geodatabase and everything work ok, in ArcMAP I can see both the part spatial and data, my problem only is within GDB there, I can't see spatial elements, this GDB is in Oracle 12g and mi ArcGIS version is 10.5.1 license type Standard.
Thanks a lot for you time!!!
Hello George, thanks you by respons to my problem.
The source registered was a table created in oracle, this table have an field of type st_geometry called SHAPE and a field that has values unique and not null, this field works as OBJECTID.
Yes, this table is within the same GDB.
Yesterday I did a test, I exported the feature class to a file geodatabase and everything work ok, in ArcMAP I can see both the part spatial and data, my problem only is within GDB there, I can't see spatial elements, this GDB is in Oracle 12g and mi ArcGIS version is 10.5.1 license type Standard.
Thanks a lot for you time!!!
There must be an issue with the registration.
You may want to reach out to tech support on and create a case for this issue. It may be difficult to troubleshoot via GeoNet.
Thanks a lot George, I'll contact to technical support.
Following the screenshot you added, it seems that the registering process understood you where working with a point feature class. I will focus on the OBJECTID filed:
- Does it follow the ESRI recomendations: numeric (specifically number 38) not null? Can you force this data type using CAST?
- Can you validate that there is no n-plicated values in that OBJECTID field?
Hope this helps
Jesús de Diego
Dear Jesús, thank you for you answer, efectly my OBJECTID is numeric like the picture attached and it doesn't accept values null.
The values in OBJECTID (BOTTOM_LOCATION_ID) it doesn't has repeates.
Yes, I'm working with a point feature class.
Thans for you time!!!