I'm using SQL 2012 with ArcSDE 10.2.
Recently I noticed that the last field that I added on existing table (feature layer) in ArcCatalog won't update SQL's view file.
Therefore when I use the view with the last field that I added it, cause error because the new field is not exist in the view.
Only way to fix the problem is unregistered from versioned then re-register it.
Where should I take a look to solve the problem?
sp_refreshview didn't help
Hi Gyeyoung,
I can reproduce this in SQL Server but not Oracle. Any chance you can open a support ticket with Esri, so we can look into this issue further? I can help you out with this part if you send me a direct message.
I have a test machine with ArcGIS 10.3.1 (Desktop and SDE) and SQL Server 2014, and I don't have a problem with the versioned view getting updated after changes to the original table. I wonder if there was a bug that has been addressed in 10.3 or 10.3.1.
Sounds good I'll do that
Thank you