Activate geodatabase (Oracle) - error message

09-01-2020 03:28 AM
Regular Contributor


I created an Oracle user (11g) , added some tables and started entering data with ArcMap 10.5. I forgot to create a geodatabase which I would like to rectify now by using the "activate geodatabase" tool.

Unfortunately I get an error message - here is a translation from the message:

user has permissions for setting up geodatabase

xml support for database intance is enabled

[no user schema geodatabase can be created if the user has data registered in the master-instance (sde) or has data in another user schema]

The message refers to a log file - log file content is:

[Tue Sep 01 12:18:06 2020]
ST_Geometry Schema Owner: (SDE) Type Release: 1007
[Tue Sep 01 12:18:06 2020] Instance initialized for ((eleahs)) . . .

[Tue Sep 01 12:18:07 2020] DBMS error code: 942
ORA-00942: Tabelle oder View nicht vorhanden

[Tue Sep 01 12:18:07 2020] SDE schema object install not completed.
[Tue Sep 01 12:18:07 2020] ERROR installing/upgrading ArcSDE, Error = -561

The user has not data registered in the master schema (SDE) and I dont see how the user has any data in any other schema then itself. So I dont understand what the error message is trying to tell me.

Many thanks Rob

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5 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

In an enterprise geodatabase, when you create data using any user, the data is registered in the system tables of the geodatabase.

In your case, when you "added some tables" with the user, before creating the User-Schema geodatabase, the tables were registered in the System tables of the Master-Instance (SDE).

So, to create the User-Schema geodatabase for this user, you need to delete the Tables you created previously with this user and then execute the "Create Enterprise Geodatabase" tool.

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Regular Contributor


yes, I see that in "sde.column_registry" tables from the user in question are registered. Very unfortunate that you can only create a geodatabase with an empty schema......

Thanks, Rob

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MVP Regular Contributor

I would expect the tool to do that. I wouldn't want the data owned by my user to be registered in different System Tables, under different users. That will be difficult to maintain and also troubleshoot issues later on. Also, its not just 1 System table, the data is registered in multiple system tables.

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Regular Contributor

I just noticed - you wrote "then execute the "Create Enterprise Geodatabase" tool." - I thought that is the purpose of the "enable geodatabase" tool if you have an existing database - as I have:

"The Enable Enterprise Geodatabase tool creates geodatabase system tables, stored procedures, functions, and types in an existing enterprise database, thereby enabling geodatabase functionality in the database."

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MVP Regular Contributor

For executing both the tools, you need an Oracle database to be created beforehand.

"Create Enterprise Geodatabase" tool allows you to create the user, grant required permissions, create tablespace, etc using the tool.

Whereas, the 'Enable Enterprise Geodatabase" tool expects the user(SDE Schema), required permissions, tablespace, etc to already be present as needed before executing the tool. Also, you cannot create user-schema geodatabases using the 'Enable Enterprise Geodatabase' tool.

So, the end result may be similar, but the tools have different features and functionalities.

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