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Extraction of spatial data using arc gis and python

07-23-2024 11:48 AM
New Contributor

To extract spatial data using ArcGIS and Python, you can utilize the ArcPy library, which allows you to interact with ArcGIS software through Python scripts. Below is an example workflow for extracting spatial data, such as land use or land cover information, from a given area:


### Setup

1. **Install ArcGIS and ArcPy**: Ensure you have ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Pro installed along with the ArcPy library.


2. **Set up your workspace**: Organize your workspace with all the necessary datasets and scripts.


### Workflow Example


#### Step 1: Import Libraries


import arcpy



#### Step 2: Set Environment


arcpy.env.workspace = "path/to/your/workspace"

arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True



#### Step 3: Define Input and Output


input_shapefile = "path/to/your/input_shapefile.shp"

output_shapefile = "path/to/your/output_shapefile.shp"



#### Step 4: Define Spatial Extraction Parameters

You can extract data based on various parameters, such as a specific polygon, attribute query, or clipping to a boundary.


##### Example: Extract by Attribute


# Create a feature layer from the input shapefile

arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(input_shapefile, "input_layer")


# Define the attribute query (e.g., extract features where land use is 'urban')

query = "LAND_USE = 'urban'"


# Select features based on the query

arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("input_layer", "NEW_SELECTION", query)


# Save the selected features to a new shapefile

arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("input_layer", output_shapefile)



##### Example: Extract by Polygon


# Define the polygon shapefile for clipping

polygon_shapefile = "path/to/your/polygon_shapefile.shp"


# Clip the input shapefile with the polygon shapefile

arcpy.Clip_analysis(input_shapefile, polygon_shapefile, output_shapefile)



##### Example: Extract by Location


# Define the location (point, line, or polygon) shapefile

location_shapefile = "path/to/your/location_shapefile.shp"


# Select features based on location

arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management("input_layer", "INTERSECT", location_shapefile)


# Save the selected features to a new shapefile

arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("input_layer", output_shapefile)



### Running the Script

1. **Save the script**: Save your Python script (e.g., ``).


2. **Execute the script**: Run the script using your preferred method, such as directly in a Python environment or through an IDE.


2 Replies
Occasional Contributor



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Occasional Contributor

I use this library a lot. Thanks 

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