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Quick Image Classification Accuracy Assessment in ArcGIS Pro

11-30-2022 02:20 PM
Esri Contributor

Would you like to assess the accuracy of your image classification without manually labeling the control points with the values from the ground truth class? Learn how to use an existing classified raster as ground truth and generate control points and the misclassification (or confusion) matrix with three simple geoprocessing tools. 

This video was recorded using ArcGIS Pro 3.0 in October 2022. For further imagery analysis training, check out our Imagery Analysis in ArcGIS Pro course:

3 Replies
New Contributor

Is there a workflow created to import your own points from the field instead of using the "Create Accuracy Assessment Points" within the spatial analyst tools? And if so, can you use the field points to have the computer populate the classified field to mimic what the "Create Accuracy Assessment Points" tool does?

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Esri Contributor

Yes, Mark, you can use your own point feature class as accuracy assessment points. You will have to manually add the two fields to calculate the confusion matrix, the Classified and the GrndTruth fields. Then use the Update Accuracy assessment points tool twice, once to populate the Classified, then to populate the GrndTruth field. Once both fields have values, you can use Compute Confusion Matrix to generate the confusion matrix.

Emerging Contributor

Madam, I am interested in learning image classification beginning of your steps and related videos of your please provide a link to me at

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