Live Training Seminar: Python 101 for ArcGIS

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Live Training Seminar: Python 101 for ArcGIS

Published on ‎10-14-2024 01:07 PM by Esri Contributor | Updated on ‎10-23-2024 12:34 PM

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Join us on December 12, as Esri Academy’s next live training will introduce you to the foundational concepts for the Python scripting language! Our expert presenters will explain data types, functions, lists and loops, and other script building blocks and show you how adding logic can transform lines of code into reusable scripts that will automate workflows in ArcGIS. 



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  • While designed for those new to Python, this seminar will also benefit intermediate Python scripters who are looking for tips to automate GIS workflows.


This seminar should help you:

  • Get an introduction to programming concepts.
  • Learn about the ArcGIS scripting environment and popular Python libraries.
  • Understand the high-level steps to combine data types, functions, and logic into a working script.
  • Discover resources to continue building your Python knowledge and skills.


Seminar Details: 
Two, one-hour sessions will be broadcast live, and each session includes Q&A with the presenters. You can view more details and get a calendar reminder at the link below.


  • Name: Python 101 for ArcGIS
  • Date: December 12, 2024
  • Time: 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Pacific time
  • Location: Online at Esri Academy
  • Cost: $0 (No-cost)


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Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor

Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor

Event has ended
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Thu, Dec 12, 2024 09:00 AM PST
Thu, Dec 12, 2024 12:00 PM PST
Regular Contributor

This seminar is not opening on the web for me. 






Occasional Explorer

same here

Apologies, our team is working on this now.

Regular Contributor

Thanks Hannah! I'll try again at the next seminar. Bet this is a very popular seminar. 

Occasional Explorer

Same to me.

Apologies, our team is working on resolving this issue.

New Explorer



Same problem!

Same problem

Apologies, our team is working on this now.

Apologies, our team is working to resolve this issue.

Same here

Occasional Explorer

I was able to get in with this link Python 101 for ArcGIS | Esri Training Seminar 

Regular Contributor

Thanks Jason. That worked for me. 

Esri Contributor

Apologies to everyone, our team is working on this now.

New Explorer

same here. Will there be a recording of it?

Hello! Apologies for the issue, our team is working to resolve it. There will be a recording of the event, and it will be available on Esri Academy for the next month.


Am I too late to this? How do I get in?



Hello! Our team is working on resolving the Esri Academy issue. This event will be recorded and available after. There is also another Live Training Seminar at 11:00 a.m. PT.

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi all, apologies for this issue. Esri Academy should be working fine now, so please feel free to join now. There will be another offering of the seminar at 11:00 a.m. PT.

Katie Smith | Principal Marketing Communications Specialist | Training Services