Live Training Seminar: Introducing ArcGIS Experience Builder

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Live Training Seminar: Introducing ArcGIS Experience Builder

Published on ‎02-21-2024 09:38 AM by Esri Contributor | Updated on ‎02-21-2024 11:24 AM

Visit Esri Academy on March 28 and learn how to make modern web apps with no coding required.


In this live training seminar, the presenters show how easy it is to build user-friendly, responsive web apps using Experience Builder's configurable templates and drag-and-drop interface. Get an overview of Experience Builder key features and explore building blocks for creating web apps. Register Now →


The seminar will help you: 


  • Discover the types of apps that you can create with ArcGIS Experience Builder.
  • Understand the available building blocks you can use to create web apps.
  • Learn about options to make data interactive and dynamic.


Live Training Seminar Details:


Two, one-hour sessions will be broadcast live, and each session includes Q&A with the presenters. You can view more details and get a calendar reminder at the link below.


  • Name: Introducing ArcGIS Experience Builder
  • Date: March 28, 2024
  • Time: 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM PT
  • Location: Online at Esri Academy


Register Now →

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Thu, Mar 28, 2024 09:00 AM PDT
Thu, Mar 28, 2024 12:00 PM PDT
Online at Esri Academy
Regular Contributor

This seminar is on at 3am Australian EDT. Will it be recorded?

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @BronwenHughes, yes, the seminar will be recording. We still encourage you to register so that you can be notified when the recording is available. Hope you enjoy learning more about ArcGIS Experience Builder!  

Katie Smith | Principal Marketing Communications Specialist | Training Services