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Editing and Maintaining Parcels Using ArcGIS (10.6) Class Resources

09-28-2015 02:07 PM
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Editing and Maintaining Parcels Using ArcGIS (10.6) Class Resources

During this 2-day course, you will learn techniques and best practices to efficiently store, edit, and ensure the accuracy of land-records data. Using the ArcGIS parcel fabric and Local Government Information Model, you will apply recommended workflows to perform and automate many common parcel-editing tasks.

Detailed course description and registration information

Here are a few selected resources you may find helpful


Land Records GeoNet Group

Access various resources or participate in an online forum about land records and the parcel fabric

Esri Land Records Meet Up

Definitely join the MeetupI

In addition to the live meetings, joining the meetup gives you access to these resources.

Note: You must join the meetup to access these resources

A very good list of parcel editing resources

Meetup Pages tab > ArcGIS Resources for Land Records

Recordings of past Meetups

Land Records Meetup recordings on GeoNet (more current list)

Land Records Meetup Recordings on the Meetup pages (older list)

(Meetup Pages tab > Meeting's Recordings) 

Tutorials in the documentation

Tutorial: Get started with parcel fabric editing

Tutorial: Create new parcels in the parcel fabric

Tutorial: Running a parcel fabric adjustment

Parcel Fabric Add-ins

Curves & Lines

Split lines at inflection points and create circular arcs

Parcel Fabric Quality Control

Visualize quality indicators on parcel fabric data, and use tools to assess and improve the quality of parcel fabric data

Angle Deflection and Offset

Add angles as deflections from the previous line's bearing

Delete Fabric Records

Delete groups of parcel fabric records based on various criteria

Fabric History Toolbar

Apply and fix history date fields for parcel fabrics

Extended Parcel Fabric Properties

View and change extended parcel fabric properties

Fabric Plan Tools

Work with duplicate plans and parcels that have been orphaned from their plan

Parcel Edit Helper

Sample code for third party developers (These tools are not "production ready")

Parcel Fabric Geoprocessing Tools

Geoprocessing tools and functions that come with a standard ArcMap install

ArcMap comes standard with a toolbox called Parcel Fabric Tools.  This toolbox is not available in ArcGIS Pro, nor is ArcGIS Pro able to edit ArcMap parcel fabrics.  From ArcMap, you can also import a module called Fabric that includes several functions that are useful for working with parcel fabrics.

Parcel Fabric Geoprocessing Tools toolbox download

An Esri Supported toolbox containing various Python scripts and geoprocessing tools for preparing data for parcel fabric loading, for adjusting fabric data, for exporting data and reporting on parcels, and for doing field calculations. 

Meetup Video

Knowledge base article

Download toolbox

Other parcel fabric tools

Calculate Hide Field

Calculate the Hide field to remove duplicate labels and and annotations on parcel lines

Calculate Line Type

Calculate the line type to match parcel type

Create Report of Selected Parcels

Create report from selected parcels in the parcel fabric

Export Parcel Fabric Control to Table

Export control points from the parcel fabric to a table

Parcel Naming

Format parcel names in the CAMRA As/400 format (Modify python script for other formats)

Example tool search in ArcGIS Online


Using Attribute Assistant to automatically assign attributes using predefined methods (e.g. assign unique IDs; calculate areas; validate using a lookup table) 

Nice “How To” article for Attribute Assistant (Read this first)

Attribute Assistant download and documentation

Migration to the parcel fabric


Step 1: Set up the parcel fabric data model—Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

Load attributes, plans, and line points—Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

Meetup recordings

09/03/2015 - UC 2015: Migrating Data into the Parcel Fabric

07/24/2014 - Migrating Data into the Parcel Fabric Solution

Tax Parcel Editing Map:

Tax Parcel Editing | ArcGIS for Local Government 

Reviewing and cleaning up data errors in the parcel fabric


Data review and cleanup tools—Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

Parcel Fabric Quality Control addin

Meetup recordings

09/17/2015 - UC 2015: Advanced Parcel Editing In ArcMap (first 30 minutes)

05/07/2015 - Parcel Editing Tips & Tricks: Fixing Gaps and Overlaps

09/11/2014 - Parcel Editing: Advanced

Least Squares Adjustment

The parcel fabric adjustment is a least-squares adjustment that is run on a selection of parcels to incrementally improve the positional accuracy of the parcel corner points. While COGO dimensions accurately define the shape of a parcel, a parcel fabric adjustment with survey control points accurately defines the spatial location of a parcel.

Help System

About accuracy—Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

Adjust features to parcel boundaries—Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

Tutorial: Running a parcel fabric adjustment

Meetup recordings

09/17/2015 - UC 2015: Advanced Parcel Editing In ArcMap (Last hour of the presentation - Skip the first 30 minutes)

09/11/2014 - Parcel Editing: Advanced

03/21/2013 - How to Improve Your Spatial Accuracy

04/18/2013 - How to Improve Your Spatial Accuracy - part 2

Parcel Drafter

You may want to try out a free stand-alone app called Parcel Drafter, and it provides a simple interface in a stand-alone app.  

The idea is that a data entry person can get up and running quickly with the simple Parcel Drafter user interface.  Then a more experienced technician incorporates the new data into the fabric.

Parcel Drafter | ArcGIS for Local Government 

Community Parcels

Community Parcels is a configuration of ArcGIS that helps communities (states, counties, emergency operations centers, and so on) aggregate parcel information from authoritative sources and use this information to facilitate valuation, emergency response, permitting, land use and other related workflows.

Community Parcels | ArcGIS for Local Government 

Community Parcels Meetup recordings:

01/08/2015 - Publishing authoritative parcel content using ArcGIS

05/08/2014 - Community Parcels - A community based solution for land records

National Geodetic Survey

National Geodetic Survey’s website has numerous resources, tools, and datasets, including control points.

General resources regarding land records

Florida Association of Cadastral Mappers offers the following free online courses:

FACM 01 - Mathematics for the Cadastralist

FACM 02 - Public Land Survey System for the Cadastral Mapper

FACM 03 - Interpretation of Real Property Descriptions

FACM 04 - Basic Map Compilation

Panda Consulting Blog has a good description of the land records concepts underlying the  Parcel Type codes in the Local Government Information Model

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Frequent Contributor

Great class Jack! I'm super excited to jump into our County's Parcel Fabric now and make some improvements.

Version history
Last update:
‎09-28-2015 02:07 PM
Updated by: