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Discovering and Limiting Access to Public ArcGIS Survey123 Results

08-07-2020 09:00 AM
Esri Regular Contributor
1 0 859

The Esri Software Security and Privacy Team is proud to announce the newest in our white paper series:

Discovering and Limiting Access to Public ArcGIS Survey123 Results!

Written for Survey Authors, admins, and privacy professionals and specifically intended to provide targeted guidance for public health‌ initiatives, this guidance highlights best practices, public survey layer discoverability, details specific scenarios, and provides contextual discussion around the various configuration options to be considered to protect your data prior to announcing a public survey where results are to remain secure.

From the abstract:

"Designing and configuring a Survey with an underlying survey layer can be tricky when the survey is intended to be completed by the public. Discovering insecure survey layers can be challenging for an organization administrator responsible for ensuring collected data is secure and configured to respect respondent privacy. This document provides guidance for GIS administrators, survey owners or users involved in implementing a public survey with respect to privacy and security."

We partnered with the ArcGIS Survey123 team to provide this guidance, and we strongly feel that organizations see value in bookmarking this document for reference.