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More Health Care Data Layers Available for your maps and apps!

04-07-2022 08:39 AM
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Esri Regular Contributor
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In addition to the Living Atlas (which we all know is an incredible resource) and the massive amount of data you have access to via ArcGIS Online, the Marketplace is also a huge resource to access commercial data products to support you maps, webmaps, apps and services. Case in point, Bay Park Data Solutions is a provider of numerous health care data layers (feature services). These authoratative data are from official, trusted sources and are updated regularly so your apps are sure to be trusted and useful to your users.

Check out more health care data layers on Marketplace.

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About the Author
Community Manager. Esri Partner Ecosystem - Global Business Development (GBD), Partners & Alliances. You can often find me @gletham and see also #esripartners for tips