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Register ArcGIS for Server with the Geoportal - HTTP status code {302 - Redirect} received from server

07-07-2018 03:47 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hello Everybody,

Please help me.

I have installed Geoportal 1.2.6 on Windows machine.

I have enabled simpleAdapter identity.

Following is the content of my gpt.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    See the NOTICE file distributed with
    this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    Esri Inc. licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.
<gptConfig version="1.2.8">
    <databaseReference name="gpt" jndiName="jdbc/gpt"/>
    <!-- Mail server configuration.
        - smtpHost: mail server SMTP host
        - smtpPort: mail server SMPT port (optional)
        - siteEmailAddress: portal contact E-Mail address
        - emailAddressRegexp: a regular expression for validating input E-Mail addresses   
        - smptAuth: configuration for a mail server requiring authentication credentials
        - username: the username credential
        - password: the password credential
        - encrypted: "true" or "false" (indicates if this password is encrypted) -->
   <!-- Base map configuration. (used in search page, preview, details page, editor)
        - jsapiUrl: URL to the JavaScript API
        - mapServiceUrl: URL for a map service
           Types: ArcGIS REST, WMS, WMTS. (This can be empty for openstreet map).
        - mapServiceType: A type of map service
           Values: dynamic | tiled | wms | wmts | openstreet
        - mapVisibleLayers: An array of visible WMS layer names.
           This parameter should be defined when WMS is used as a map service.
           (from <name> element of WMS GetCapabilities xml) 
           Example: "['name1','name2','name3','name4']"
        - geometryServiceUrl: REST URL to an ArcGIS Server GeometryServer service.
        - locatorUrl: REST URL to an ArcGIS Server GeocodeServer service, e.g. locatorUrl=""
        - locatorSingleFieldParameter: field for the GeocodeServer service upon which locations can be searched
        - the urls start with "//" without the protocol (http: or https:).
        locatorSingleFieldParameter = "Address"/>
    <catalog gptTablePrefix="GPT_">      
    <!-- Lucene configuration.
        - indexLocation: path to the folder that will hold indexed documents
            (e.g. c:/geoportal/lucene-index/catalog1)
        - writeLockTimeout: the wait time in milli-seconds for acquiring a write lock
        - useNativeFSLockFactory: if true a NativeFSLockFactory is used otherwise use a SimpleFSLockFactory
        - analyzerClassName: the class name for the Lucene analyzer
        - adaptor: parameters that define the optional OntologyService configuration, as per geoportal webhelp at      
        <adaptor name="like" className="com.esri.gpt.catalog.lucene.StandardNetworkParserAdaptor">
        <attribute key="baseUrl" value="http://serverName/OntologyService/query?threshold=0.25&term="/>
    <!-- Additional configuration for Lucene
        - lucene.alwaysStoreXmlInIndex:
   true if the full document xml should be store within the index
        - lucene.force.isPartOf:
   force all Lucene queries to have an isPartOf field equal to the supplied value
        - lucene.useSingleSearcher:
   true if a single Lucene searcher is preferred across all threads
        - lucene.useSingleWriter:
   true if a single Lucene writer is preferred across all threads
        - lucene.useRemoteWriter:
   true if documents should be indexed remotely
        - lucene.remoteWriterUrl:
   the URL to be used when indexing documents remotely
    <parameter key="lucene.alwaysStoreXmlInIndex" value="false"/>
    <parameter key="lucene.force.isPartOf" value=""/>
    <parameter key="lucene.useSingleSearcher" value="true"/>
    <parameter key="lucene.useSingleWriter" value="true"/>
    <parameter key="lucene.useLocalWriter" value="true"/>
    <parameter key="lucene.useRemoteWriter" value="false"/>
    <parameter key="lucene.remoteWriterUrl" value=""/>
    <!--  Lucene index based assertions (resource ratings and comments). 
        - assertion.index.enabled: indicates if ratings and comments should be enabled.
        - assertion.index.location: path to the folder that will hold the indexed comments and ratings.
            NOTE: This assertion.index.location should not be the same location as the lucene\indexLocation value.
            These indexes should not be deleted and should be on a file backup/restore plan.
            Example: c:/geoportal/lucene_assertion_index_location/catalog1
        - assertion.index.allowNonLocalResourceIds: if true, comments and ratings can be made about resources that do not exist
            in the local catalog.
        - assertion.rating.enabled: allow users to rate resources.
        - assertion.comment.enabled: allow users to leave comments for resources.
        - assertion.comment.maxLength: maximum characters allowed for one comment. 
    <parameter key="assertion.index.enabled" value="true"/>
    <parameter key="assertion.index.location" value="C:\lucene\assertion"/>
    <parameter key="assertion.index.allowNonLocalResourceIds" value="false"/>
    <parameter key="assertion.rating.enabled" value="true"/>
    <parameter key="assertion.comment.enabled" value="true"/>
    <parameter key="assertion.comment.maxLength" value="2048"/>
    <!-- Map Viewer configuration.
    Optional. You can use the following section to integrate a map viewer with your geoportal,
    According to the Integrate a Map Viewer webhelp documentation at: 
    Below is the flex map viewer configuration.
        - url = Url of the Flex viewer. {contextPath} parameter will be replaced with the application server contextpath.
   NOTE: For other clients to use "Add to Map" link in REST response, the absolute URL to your Flex Viewer needs to be configured in the url parameter.
        - className: class name of the map viewer instance, e.g., for Flex example is
   NOTE: The MapViewerFlex must be in the same domain and port in order for layering of resources to work
    <!-- The Geoportal Flex widget configuration for ArcGIS View for Flex 2.2 -->
        <parameter key="width" value="1000"/>
        <parameter key="height" value="700"/>
        <parameter key="regexCanConsumeUrl" value=""/>
    <!-- The map viewer configuration for Portal for ArcGIS 
            <parameter key="wmsBaseMapUrl" value=""/>
    <!-- Search settings.
  - searchTimeoutMillisecs: length of time allotted to a search attempt before a timeout error occurs
  - distributedSearchTimeoutMillisecs: length of time allotted to a federated search attempt before a timeout error occurs
  - distributedSearchMaxSelectedSites: maximum number of sites allowed to be searched in one federated search attempt
  - searchResultsPerPage: number of results to show on a page.  If more results are returned than this value, page navigation will be visible
  - searchResultsReviewsShown: How should the reviews be shown on the results page.  Options are "none", "only-reviewed" or "all"
  - maxSavedSearches: maximum number of allowed searches in storage, per user.
  - allowExternalSiteSearch: Flag enabling federated search
                - allowTemporalSearch: Flag enabling temporal search on metadata fields
        <!-- Settings for repositories available in federated search
            - key: regular expression, can be used to identify the rid for the repository.
            - class: search engine instance, a Java class that will process the search request.
            - labelResourceKey: text that appears in the federated search list.
    If no key is given, the repository will not be visible in the federated search list.
            - abstractResourceKey: text that appears on the REST distributed search, describing the repository. -->
            <!--  Default search engine that catches blank rids -->  
            <repository key="^$"
            <!-- rid.  Optional. -->   
            <repository key="" 
                <parameter key="endPointSearchUrl"
                <parameter key="defaultParamValues"
                    value="q&#x2714;access:shared || access:public || access:private "/> 
                <parameter key="profileId"
                    value="urn:esri:gpt:HTTP:JSON:ESRI:AGSONLINE" />
                <parameter key="profileId"
                    value="urn:ogc:CSW:2.0.2:HTTP:APISO:PYCSW" />
                <parameter key="url"
                    value="" />
                <parameter key="profileId"
                    value="urn:ogc:CSW:2.0.2:HTTP:APISO:GICAT" />
                <parameter key="url"
                    value="" />
            <!-- For the registered CS-W repositories flagged for viewing in federated search -->
            <repository key="*"
        <!-- Class registration to produce search result in a custom format.
            - regexFormat: output format name that is used in REST search URL.
                Example: if output format value is csv, the REST URL will be http://geoportal/rest/find/document?f=csv      
            - class: location of the custom class to generate the output format.
            <format regexFormat="csv" class="com.esri.gpt.control.georss.CsvWriter">
        <!-- Metadata Access Policy Configuration
            For Ldap identity adapter, single group restriction policy configure as below,
            if not configured then publisher selects from all ldap groups
            type="public-protected" protectedGroupDN="distinguishedName(E.g. cn=gpt_administrators,ou=groups,ou=system)"
        <metadataAccessPolicy type="unrestricted"/>
        <!-- Sitemap parameters
            - sitemap.baseUrl: the base URL for sitemap files
                default = auto-generated, e.g. http://host:port/[contextPath]/sitemap
            - sitemap.documentUrlPattern: the default URL pattern referencing documents within a sitemap,
                {0} will be replaced with the document's UUID,
                default = /sitemap/document/{0}?f=html  
            - sitemap.documentUrlPattern.[format]: response format specific document URL patterns,
                {0} will be replaced with the document's UUID,
                    will produce specific document references with the following pattern
            - sitemap.urlsPerIndexFile: the maximum number of sitemap files to be referenced within
                the sitemap index file (should not exceed 1000), default = 1000
            - sitemap.urlsPerSitemapFile: the maximum number of documents to be referenced within
                an individual sitemap file (should not exceed 50000), default = 1000
            - sitemap.namespaceUri: the sitemap namespace URI,
                default =
            - sitemap.changefreg: the change frequency to be listed per document reference,
                hourly daily weekly monthly yearly , default = weekly
            - sitemap.priority: the priority to be listed per document reference, 0.0 -> 1.0,
                default = none  
        <parameter key="sitemap.baseUrl" value=""/>
        <parameter key="sitemap.documentUrlPattern" value="/sitemap/document/{0}?f=html"/>
        <parameter key="sitemap.documentUrlPattern.html" value="/sitemap/document/{0}?f=html"/>
        <parameter key="sitemap.documentUrlPattern.htmlfragment" value="/sitemap/document/{0}?f=htmlfragment"/>
        <parameter key="sitemap.documentUrlPattern.xml" value="/sitemap/document/{0}?f=xml"/>
        <parameter key="sitemap.documentUrlPattern.kml" value="/sitemap/document/{0}?f=kml"/>
        <parameter key="sitemap.urlsPerIndexFile" value="1000"/>
        <parameter key="sitemap.urlsPerSitemapFile" value="1000"/>
        <parameter key="sitemap.namespaceUri" value=""/>
        <parameter key="sitemap.changefreq" value="weekly"/>
        <parameter key="sitemap.priority" value=""/>
        <!-- Web Harvester parameters.
            - flag for if synchronization is active at startup. Default: true
            - webharvester.queueEnabled: flag to enable task queue.
    Default: current value.
    Note! its is not possible to set this flag to false if is true
            - webharvester.poolsize: pool size of the Threads. Default: 4
            - webharvester.autoSelectFrequency: Resources auto-selection frequency. Default: 1[HOUR]
            - webharvester.autoSelectSuspendPeriod: period for how long can repository be suspended from
                                                    harvesting after unsuccessful harvest. Default: 1[Day]
            - webharvester.watchDogFrequency: Watch-dog activation frequency. Default: 1[MINUTE]
            - webharvester.baseContextPath: Base context path used inside email notifications. Default: none (no report link in the notification)
            - webharvester.maxRepRecords: Maximum number of records to report. Default: 10000. -1 to remove limit.
            - webharvester.maxRepErrors: Maximum number of errors to report. Default: 5000. -1 to remove limit
            - webharvester.resource.autoApprove: Autoapprove newly registered resources. Default: false
            - webharvester.updateindex: Update the Lucene index following document publication. Default: true
            - webharvester.cleanup: Delete documents that no longer exist on the remote server. Default: true
            - webharvester.policy.class: Manages policy of the harvester; currently only manages how frequently enforce 'full harvest'.
    Default: com.esri.gpt.control.webharvest.engine.DefaultHarvestPolicy
            - webharvester.policy.simple.frequency: frequency how often 'full harvest' should be enforced.
    For example, if the value is 3, every third harvest for a site will be a full harvest.
            - webharvester.agp2agp.maxItems: maximum number of items to harvest through Agp2Agp protocol.
        <parameter key="" value="true"/>
        <parameter key="webharvester.queueEnabled" value=""/>
        <parameter key="webharvester.poolsize" value=""/>
        <parameter key="webharvester.autoSelectFrequency" value=""/>
        <parameter key="webharvester.autoSelectSuspendPeriod" value=""/>
        <parameter key="webharvester.watchDogFrequency" value=""/>
        <parameter key="webharvester.baseContextPath" value=""/>
        <parameter key="webharvester.maxRepRecords" value="70"/>
        <parameter key="webharvester.maxRepErrors" value="7"/>
        <parameter key="webharvester.resource.autoApprove" value=""/>    
        <parameter key="webharvester.updateindex" value="true"/>
        <parameter key="webharvester.cleanup" value="true"/>
        <parameter key="webharvester.policy.class" value="com.esri.gpt.control.webharvest.engine.SimpleHarvestPolicy"/>
        <parameter key="webharvester.policy.simple.frequency" value="1"/>
        <parameter key="webharvester.agp2agp.maxItems" value="2000"/>
        <!-- Robot parameters.
            - bot.robotstxt.enabled: use of robots.txt during harvesting is enabled. Default: true
            - bot.robotstxt.override:  allows user to override bot.robotstxt.enabled. Default: true;
            - bot.agent: name of the user agent for interpreting content of robots.txt. Default: "GeoportalServer"
        <parameter key="bot.robotstxt.enabled" value=""/>
        <parameter key="bot.robotstxt.override" value=""/>
        <parameter key="bot.agent" value=""/>
        <!-- Additional Parameters.
            - catalog.enableEditForAllPubMethods:
    true if document editing should be enabled for all publication methods,
    false if only documents created by the editor should be editable
            - catalog.enableEditForAdministrator:
                true if document editing should be enabled for administrator even
                if he is not an owner of the metadata
            - catalog.enableDuplicate:
                true to enable "Duplicate" operation on metadata
            - catalog.admin.allowApplyToAll:
    true if an administrator should be able to apply an action to
    all matching records
            - catalog.useCollections:
    true enables collections (experimental, should be false by default)
            - database.isCaseSensitive:
    true if the database is case sensitive (set this to false for MySQL)
            - publicationRequest.autoApprove:
    true if newly published documents should be approved by default
            - publicationRequest.allowFileIdForUuid
        true if an xml's internal file identifier should used as the document uuid
            - spatialRelevance.ranking.maxDoc:
    turn spatial relevance ranking off when the catalog exceeds the supplied maximum document number
            - rssProviderUrl:
    URL to include as the provider within RSS responses
            - reverseProxy.baseContextPath:
    the URL prefix to use when the application is deployed behind a reverse proxy (e.g. http://somehost/geoportal); should be the user-facing URL. Best practice is to set this even if not using a reverse proxy
            - RestServlet.printXml.stripStyleSheets:
    true if references to XSLs and DOCTYPEs would be stripped from
    document XMLs when requesting the full XML from the rest end-point
            - Administration.viewMetadata.stripStyleSheets:
    true if references to XSLs and DOCTYPEs would be stripped from
    document XMLs when requesting a full XML view from the administration page
            - httpClientRequest.connectionTimeout: connection timeout for HTTP requests to the remote endpoints using Apache HTTP client.
    If no value is provided, the default value is infinitive.                 
                Possible values:  If no unit is given, number of milliseconds,
     [SECOND] – number of seconds
     [MINUTE] – number of minutes
     [HOUR] – number of hours
            - httpClientRequest.responseTimeout: response timeout for HTTP requests to the remote endpoints using Apache HTTP client.
    If no value is provided, the default value is infinitive.
                Possible values:  If no unit is given, number of milliseconds,
     [SECOND] – number of seconds
     [MINUTE] – number of minutes
     [HOUR] – number of hours
            - httpClient.alwaysClose: forces to always close socket connection for requests to the remote endpoints using Apache HTTP client.
    Default: false.  
            - AllowDuplicateResourceURL:
                true to allow registration of web resources with the URL which
                already has been registered
            - AllowonlyAuthenticatedUser:
                true to disable access to the search and browse pages for users
                which has not been authenticated
        <parameter key="catalog.enableEditForAllPubMethods" value="false"/>
        <parameter key="catalog.enableEditForAdministrator" value="false"/>
        <parameter key="catalog.enableDuplicate" value="true"/>
        <parameter key="catalog.admin.allowApplyToAll" value="true"/>
        <parameter key="catalog.useCollections" value="false"/>
        <parameter key="database.isCaseSensitive" value="true"/>
        <parameter key="publicationRequest.autoApprove" value="false"/>
        <parameter key="publicationRequest.allowFileIdForUuid" value="false"/>
        <parameter key="spatialRelevance.ranking.maxDoc" value="1000000"/>
        <parameter key="rssProviderUrl" value=""/>
        <parameter key="reverseProxy.baseContextPath" value=""/>
        <parameter key="RestServlet.printXml.stripStyleSheets" value="true"/>
        <parameter key="Administration.viewMetadata.stripStyleSheets" value="true"/>
        <parameter key="httpClientRequest.connectionTimeout" value="2[MINUTE]"/>
        <parameter key="httpClientRequest.responseTimeout" value="2[MINUTE]"/>
        <parameter key="httpClient.alwaysClose" value="false"/>
        <parameter key="AllowDuplicateResourceURL" value="false"/>  
        <parameter key="AllowOnlyAuthenticatedUser" value="false"/>  
      <!-- Resource Link Builder
         - resourceLinkBuilder.preview.filter: regular expression disabling ‘preview’ link on search result
          for all records having resource URL matching template.
        <parameter key="resourceLinkBuilder.preview.filter" value="^ftp://.*|^ftps://.*|.*\.zip$|.*\.e00$|.*\.lpk$|.*\.pkinfo$|.*\.gz$|.*\.tgz$|.*\.tar$|.*\.rar$|.*\.sh..."/>
        <!-- This parameter is used to enable managing user role in ldap identity store. -->
        <parameter key="ldap.identity.manage.userRoleEnabled" value="true"/>   
        <!-- This parameter is used to restrict managing user roles to roles configured in geoportal. -->
        <parameter key="ldap.identity.restrictToConfiguredRoles" value="true"/>    
        <!-- This parameter is used to restrict number to matches to be returned on searching ldap users. -->
        <parameter key="" value="1000"/> 
     This configuration is to connect FGDC Service Checker services to monitor registered live services in geoportal site.
     To enable this feature, it is required to get API key from FGDC Service Checker site.
     Please visit and sign up for your Geoportal Server site.
        Service checker parameters:
            - servicechecker.enabled: enables or disables service checker. Default: false
            - servicechecker.token: service checker token.
    Contact FGDC.GOV to obtain token for your specific deployment.
            - servicechecker.checkUrl: service checker URL
            - servicechecker.infoUrl: service info URL
        <parameter key="servicechecker.enabled" value="false"/>
        <parameter key="servicechecker.token" value=""/>
        <parameter key="servicechecker.checkUrl" value=""/>
        <parameter key="servicechecker.infoUrl" value=""/>
        Item cart parameters:
     This is a sample processor, a specific processor can be created based upon the usecase.
            - catalog.cart.enabled: enables or disables the cart. Default: false
            - catalog.cart.maxItems: maximum number of items in the cart. Default: 10
            - catalog.cart.processor: the Java class used to process items Default: none
            - catalog.cart.processor.whitelist: comma-separated list of processors allowed to pass as an argument
            - catalog.cart.xslt.whitelist: comma-separated list of xslt allowed to pass as an argument
            - catalog.cart.tryhandler.class: class name of the "/try" handler
        <parameter key="catalog.cart.enabled" value="false"/>
        <parameter key="catalog.cart.maxItems" value="100"/>
        <parameter key="catalog.cart.processor" value="com.esri.gpt.control.cart.ZipXmls"/>
        <parameter key="catalog.cart.processor.whitelist" value="com.esri.gpt.control.cart.ZipXmls"/>
        <parameter key="catalog.cart.xslt.whitelist" value=""/>
        <parameter key="catalog.cart.tryhandler.class" value=""/>
        <!-- example of custom 'tryhandler'
        <parameter key="catalog.cart.tryhandler.class" value="com.esri.gpt.control.cart.VolumeTryHandler"/>
        <parameter key="catalog.cart.volumetryhandler.commaSeparatedFields" value="dcat.size"/>
        <parameter key="catalog.cart.volumetryhandler.max" value="100000"/>
  <!-- Mapping file to map dcat fields to lucene index fields -->
  <parameter key="dcat.mappings" value="gpt/metadata/dcat-mappings.xml"/>
        <!-- DCAT cache directory -->
        <parameter key="dcat.cache.path" value=""/>
        <!-- DCAT landing page default to metadata details -->
        <parameter key="dcat.landingPage.default.details" value="false"/>
        <!-- DCAT "rights" attribute printed out regardless of the "accessLevel" value-->
        <parameter key="dcat.rights.writeAlways" value="false"/>
    <!-- customization of web harvester -->
  <dataProcessorFactory enabled="true" className="com.esri.gpt.control.webharvest.extensions.localfolder.LocalFolderDataProcessorFactory" name="localfolder" rootFolder="c:\data"/>
    <!-- Download data configuration.
        - taskUrl: geoprocessing task URL
        - mapServiceUrl: map service URL used by geoprocessing task
        - mapServiceType: The caching scheme for the map service. The value can be "dynamic" or "tiled" 
            <feature key="File Geodatabase - GDB - .gdb" alias="gdb" resKey=""/>
            <feature key="Shapefile - SHP - .shp" alias="shp" resKey=""/>
            <feature key="Autodesk AutoCAD - ACAD - .dxf" alias="dxf" resKey=""/>
            <feature key="Autodesk AutoCAD - ACAD - .dwg" alias="dwg"  resKey=""/>
            <feature key="Bentley Microstation Design (V8) - DGN_V8 - .dgn" alias="dgn"  resKey=""/>
            <raster key="ESRI GRID - GRID" alias="grd" resKey=""/>
            <raster key="File Geodatabase - GDB - .gdb" alias="gdb" resKey=""/>
            <raster key="ERDAS IMAGINE - IMG - .img" alias="img"  resKey=""/>
            <raster key="Tagged Image File Format - TIFF - .tif" alias="tif"  resKey=""/>
            <raster key="Graphic Interchange Format - GIF - .gif" alias="gif"  resKey=""/>
            <raster key="Joint Photographics Experts Group - JPEG - .jpg" alias="jpg"  resKey=""/>
            <raster key="Joint Photographics Experts Group - JPEG 2000 - .jp2" alias="jp2"  resKey=""/>
            <raster key="Bitmap - BMP - .bmp" alias="bmp"  resKey=""/>
            <raster key="Portable Network Graphics - PNG - .png" alias="png"  resKey=""/>
        <!-- To support backward compatibility for the Geoportal 9.3.x data download customizations,
            these projections and format sections are provided. These are not used in the Geoportal
            10 data download customization
            <projection key="Mercator (world)" alias="54004" resKey=""/>
            <projection key="WGS 1984 UTM Zone 10N" alias="32610" resKey=""/>
            <projection key="WGS 1984 Web Mercator" alias="102113" resKey=""/>
            <projection key="WGS 1984" alias="4326" resKey=""/>
            <format key="GML - (.gml)" alias="gml" resKey=""/>
            <format key="GMLSF - (.gmlsf)" alias="gmlsf" resKey=""/>
            <format key="MIF - (.mif)" alias="mif" resKey=""/>
            <format key="ACAD - (.dwg)" alias="dwg" resKey=""/>
            <format key="IGDS - (.dgn)" alias="dgn" resKey=""/>
    <!-- User Management configuration. simpleAdapter OR ldapAdapter.
        - simpleAdpater: configures geoportal with one administrative user
        - ldapAdapter: configures geoportal to connect to LDAP user directory store.
    <identity encKey="PtkESRI" realm="Geoportal"> 
            <account username="gptaccount" password="gpt.account" encrypted="false"/>
                <role key="gptRegisteredUser"/>
                <role key="gptPublisher"/>
                <role key="gptAdministrator"/>
     Identity adapter when using ArcGIS Online or Portal as the identity store.
     appId: application id (Geoportal app registered at ArcGIS Online or Portal)
     authorizeUrl: OAuth2 authorize url (e.g.
     expirationMinutes: token expiration minutes
     gptAdministratorsGroupId: group id for Geoportal administrators (optional)
     gptPublishersGroupId: group id for Geoportal publishers (optional)
     allUsersCanPublish: true or false, if true all authenticated users can publish items to Geoportal
    <!-- Scheduled Background Threads -->
    <scheduler active="true" corePoolSize="0">
        <!-- Catalog synchronization (sync Lucene index with the database) -->
        <thread class="com.esri.gpt.catalog.context.CatalogSynchronizer" at="01:00"/>
        <!-- Index optimization -->
        <!-- <thread class="com.esri.gpt.catalog.lucene.LuceneIndexOptimizer" at="03:30"/>-->
        <!-- DCAT cache generation -->
        <thread class="com.esri.gpt.control.georss.dcatcache.DcatCacheTask" period='1[DAY]' delay="15[SECOND]"/>
    <!-- Harvesting protocols configuration.
         default      - if true, the default configuration will be loaded first,
         factoryClass - canonical name of the protocol factory class,
         resourceKey  - resource key of the protocol name.
    <protocols default="false">
      <protocol factoryClass="com.esri.gpt.control.webharvest.protocol.factories.ResourceProtocolFactory"
      <protocol factoryClass="com.esri.gpt.control.webharvest.protocol.factories.ArcGISProtocolFactory"
      <protocol factoryClass="com.esri.gpt.control.webharvest.protocol.factories.ArcImsProtocolFactory"
      <protocol factoryClass="com.esri.gpt.control.webharvest.protocol.factories.OaiProtocolFactory"
      <protocol factoryClass="com.esri.gpt.control.webharvest.protocol.factories.WafProtocolFactory"
      <protocol factoryClass="com.esri.gpt.control.webharvest.protocol.factories.CswProtocolFactory"
      <protocol factoryClass="com.esri.gpt.control.webharvest.protocol.factories.ThreddsProtocolFactory"
      <protocol factoryClass="com.esri.gpt.control.webharvest.protocol.factories.AtomProtocolFactory"
      <protocol factoryClass="com.esri.gpt.control.webharvest.protocol.factories.Agp2AgpProtocolFactory"
      <protocol factoryClass="com.esri.gpt.control.webharvest.protocol.factories.Agp2AgpRelaxedProtocolFactory"
      <protocol factoryClass="com.esri.gpt.control.webharvest.protocol.factories.Gpt2AgpProtocolFactory"
      <protocol factoryClass="com.esri.gpt.control.webharvest.protocol.factories.Ags2AgpProtocolFactory"
      <protocol factoryClass="com.esri.gpt.control.webharvest.protocol.factories.DCATProtocolFactory"

Following is content of geoportal.xml

<!-- Context configuration file for the Geoportal Web App -->
<Context docBase="geoportal" path="/geoportal" debug="1" reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
          <Resource name="jdbc/gpt" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
                 maxWait="-1" />
When I try to register the ArcGIS server by giving REST URL and SOAP URL I get an error message like below.
HTTP status code {302 - Redirect} received from server 
When I click on test it is giving the following success message 
  • Connection successfully verified.
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