I am having problems getting our Clip and Zip geoprocessing task to complete successfully. I have followed the directions in the Data Download pdf, but continue to get problems with:
result = gp.ExtractDataModel_cs2(coosys , outformat, featset, layers, email)
i used the debugger in Python and I am pretty sure it has something to do with the value passed of featset, (featset = gp.GetParameter(2)) obtained graphically from my map, the value it has is:
<geoprocessing record set object object at 0x09A8B9F8>
I have the Data Interoperabilty Toolbox enabled, checking the values for Output Data Source i have the following:
Format: GMLSF
Coordinate System: WGS 1984
Dataset: What should I put for this value?
If someone has a code that worked for them I will be very greatful.
Thanks in advance