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How to run the Federated Search to Geoportal 1.2.5 in Portal for ArcGIS 10.3

03-26-2015 12:50 PM

How to run the Federated Search to Geoportal 1.2.5 in Portal for ArcGIS 10.3

Hi, people,

According the Github, the tutorial about to configure the Federated Search is homologated to Portal for ArcGIS version 10.2 ( If the configuration is applied to the version 10.3, the federated search does not work.

To resolve this problem it is necessary to edit the file "federated-searches-json.js" that is within folder "custom". It is simple, just removing the prefix "esri_" from the IDs, at lines 87 and 89.

var targetNode = dojo.byId("arcgisonline_sharing_dijit_SearchResultsSimple_0");

var targetHeaderNode = dojo.byId("resultsLabel");

var targetSortersNode = dojo.byId("arcgisonline_sharing_dijit_Sorter_0");

This is necessary because the Esri's page changed some IDs of HTML elements. After this the federated search works.

Sorry my English!

Erik Lima

Systems Analyst

Tags (2)
Esri Contributor

Good find Erik Lima. I updated the readme.txt to include your suggestion for 10.3. In the future, please feel free to submit an issue and a pull request through our GitHub repo.

Occasional Contributor

Hi Marten

I have a question , can we run the federated search in portal for arcgis 10.9?

can you share the the steps for the configuration with geoportal version 2.6.4?

is this supported where the user once open the web map from portal for arcgis will be able to search for the information

thank you @MartenHogeweg 


Version history
Last update:
‎03-26-2015 12:50 PM
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