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Why Circuit length field at Subnetline in FEET while my UTM in meters

08-09-2023 01:54 AM
Regular Contributor

The linear units in Spatial Reference are in meters, I also knew Circuit in Meters, but after testing using measurement tools, I realized the Circuit Length in Feet.  

6 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Can you post a screenshot so we can see exactly which field(s) are reporting as feet?

Regular Contributor

The attached documents below are evidence. Since day one, I knew the circuit length was in meters, but today our field workers have tested through measurement tools and proved us wrong. We do not use feet in our country. We use meters and kilometers. 

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Regular Contributor

The attached documents below are evidence. Since day one, I knew the circuit length was in meters, but today our field workers have tested through measurement tools and proved us wrong. We do not use feet in our country. We use meters and kilometers. My client needs clear information.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Can you post a screenshot of the spatial reference of the subnet line class? The lengths we report in that layer are based on the unit of measure of the coordinate system.

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Regular Contributor

Attached is a document for spatial reference of Subnetline

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Esri Contributor

Hi @RomuldKiobya; while the team is looking into this issue, it would be very helpful if you were to submit a case through Support, and if possible, provide data and a map for our team to investigate this issue further.  Thanks, Remi