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Supercharge Your ArcGIS App with AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) and AWS CloudFront

01-12-2017 08:29 AM

Supercharge Your ArcGIS App with AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) and AWS CloudFront

When developing applications for a global audience, it is of utmost importance to ensure your app can be loaded quickly, regardless of the user's location or connection speed.

Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) provides free-to-use tools for developers to create mobile optimized content and have it load instantly anywhere. Through its custom HTML and JavaScript, AMP encourages developers to use best performance practices and manage resource loading. The Google AMP Cache provides an incredibly fast content delivery network (CDN) to deliver all valid AMP pages across the globe. AWS CloudFront is another powerful CDN service designed to accelerate the delivery of your web content worldwide.

We will start with a standard mapping application using the Esri ArcGIS JavaScript API, and walk through the steps for converting the application into a valid AMP page. This will include live code demos and a tutorial on how to use AMP's built-in validation system. We will then walk through how to serve an application through AWS CloudFrontAt the end, we will run tests to show the difference in speed among a mapping application on a standard serveran AMP mapping application, and a mapping application served via AWS CloudFront.

Version history
Last update:
‎01-12-2017 08:29 AM
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