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SAP + the Science of Where

10-27-2017 01:52 PM

SAP + the Science of Where


Author:            Jodi Luostarinen, GISP PMP


Organization: Quartic Solutions LLC

1804 Garnet Ave. #447

San Diego, CA 92109




Jodi Luostarinen founded Quartic Solutions LLC, a leading GIS consulting firm, in 2004. Jodi possesses a unique blend of management, technical, and operational expertise and is the longest standing certified GIS professional (GISCI GISP) in the world. With over twenty years of progressive experience in the Management, Design, and Development of GIS programs and applications she continues to lead the Quartic Team into the future.


Having worked with ESRI products since version 7.1 she has experienced GIS progress through many stages.  She is proud of setting up the first ArcServer (9.0) site and publishing a service in San Diego County.  She has won several awards from ESRI coding competitions and also the AT&T application challenge.  Currently, Jodi has a particular interest in the integration of GIS with large enterprise systems such as ERP, permitting, and billing systems.  Past work has included Accela, Smallworld, document management systems, Cityworks, and other systems. 




The current stack of GIS software by ESRI offers a robust selection of technology for developers to select from when solving an issue.  Selection of the best technical approach is critical when integrating GIS with other systems.  In this presentation we will go over two different cases where completely different technical approaches were selected to  extend SAP HANA into the City of San Diego’s operations by expanding the power of ERP with spatial operations.  The developed solutions go beyond the typical ERP/GIS sync approach and involve user editing of SAP data in real time through a map interface.


The first issue that we tackled was the need to identify and record in SAP work orders which road segments had been swept each shift by a street sweeper truck.  This information is critical to the City for mandated reporting and cost recovery reasons.  Our solution is crafted on bringing information together from three different databases in a single interface: SAP HANA, Fleet, and the enterprise GIS data warehouse.  


The resulting application, GeoSweep, is a web-based application built using the ArcGIS Runtime JavaScript 4.4 API inside of the AngularJs framework.  Editable Work Order data is retrieved from SAP based user specified search criteria.  Vehicle AVL data is accessed via an ASP.NET WebAPI2 solution and served up using GeoJson, while the contextual basemap and dynamic layers are natively hosted on ArcGIS for Server 10.5.1 as Feature Services. AVL point data is spatially joined, on the fly, to planned route geometries via the WebAPI, while the front-end allows the operator to input additional work order information into the final json output object. Return data utilizes a SAP Hana (ECC) Json endpoint that accepts the final technical object work order information.


The second spatial extension application was needed integrate with AMP, a third party asset management planning and asset investment planning tool that works with SAP data.  AMP produces a forecast, up to 50 years into the future, for each asset.  The City engineers needed the ability to view jAMP generated forecast information spatially. Without GIS the information was tabular only and grouping of assets into work units was difficult to accomplish in an efficient manner.  Engineers needed a tool for real time updates of asset workgroups stored in the AMP database.


The solution was to utilize ArcGIS Pro 2.0 as front end with a custom add-in.  The Add-in was developed using C#.  Data from AMP forecasts is combined, in real time on the data tier, with features stored in the City ArcSDE data warehouse  The challenge in this application was the large variety of asset types (over 50 feature classes) and combining them in real time with the different data structures utilized in the SAP and AMP schemas.  In addition the user interface needed to kept simple, uncluttered, and intuitive for users who are not GIS analysts.


The selection of appropriate ESRI technology combined with standard database and IT approaches has resulted in integration of GIS’ified SAP into operational workflows at the City of San Diego Transportation and Stormwater Division and the Public Works Division.







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‎10-27-2017 01:52 PM
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