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Mask all the things! Prototyping a plug-in for applying custom transparency masks to existing map services

01-08-2016 01:41 PM

Mask all the things! Prototyping a plug-in for applying custom transparency masks to existing map services

Oftentimes when creating a web map mash-up, existing map services simply display too much data. In other cases, different masks are applied to the same data in a redundant fashion. We present a simple, open source prototype plug-in for Esri Leaflet, and a geoprocessing service which combine two tiled map service layers (a map layer and a transparency layer) into one tiled, masked layer. This prototype provides two benefits to the user: control over external map service layers via masking and [ii] significant optimization of web map services in terms of number of layers and disk space.

This plug-in is prototyped for use in the Group on Earth Observations Global Agricultural Monitoring Initiative (GEOGLAM) Crop Monitor web mapping interfaces. The Crop Monitor activity provides expert users with global satellite-derived products for the purpose of reporting about conditions affecting agricultural productivity. Each of thirteen products per month are masked by up to thirty-five crop masks. Thus, more than five thousand unique map layers are published per year. The prototype plug-in reduces the number of layers required to fewer than two hundred – twenty-eight times fewer layers!

Authors: Michael Humber and Antonio Sanchez (University of Maryland)

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Last update:
‎01-08-2016 01:41 PM
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