Alexa, Amazon's intelligent personal assistant, runs on the Echo, Fire TV, and other devices, and gained popularity this past holiday season. Alexa has many built-in command-based skills, including the capability to play music, tell the weather, and control home devices. Amazon allows developers to create their own skills using the Alexa Skills Kit to trigger an AWS Lambda function. I purchased an Echo in late 2016 and soon after dabbled in creating my own skills. After creating some interesting skills -- some practical, some not -- I realized it would be possible to control a map by issuing commands to Alexa.
Alexa and I would like to share how we are able to control an ArcGIS JavaScript 4 web app.
That sounds pretty cool. Was there supposed to be an attachment with this post? Or is this a teaser for the upcoming DevSummit?
Thanks for the interest Adrian. You are correct. I don't want to give too much away until the DevSummit. I will be sharing my code afterwards (presenting or not).
Be sure to post the presentation here after the DevSummit is finished!
Can you share your presentation? I am with Information Builders, an Esri partner, and would like to collaborate on a related project at Information Builders..
Hi Dan. Here is the link to the pdf of the presentation:
Also, all the code for the lambda function and the web map is on my github account:
The is more of notes for myself than anything else.
Adrian, I posted links to the presentation and code below. Thanks for voting. It was the funnest presentation I have done.
Feel free to contact me via email if you would like to discuss further.