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Choosing a solid JavaScript application architecture

12-14-2015 10:00 AM

Choosing a solid JavaScript application architecture

The trend in JavaScript seems to be that frameworks and toolkits become hot/popular, and then fall out of favor, at a pace that is perhaps irrational and certainly not healthy for most engineers. The purpose of this talk is to step back, think about what the purpose of architecture is (encapsulting best practices and patterns, building consistent and easy to maintain software), and look at the questions you might ask to evaluate options for the architecture for the applications that you need to build. Sure, the talk will bring up concepts like React, Flux, Angular 2, Ember, Dojo, Aurelia, and other tools, but more as part of the thought process that we'll explore together during the talk.

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Last update:
‎12-14-2015 10:00 AM
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