Automated Land Surface Temperature estimation using Python and ArcGIS Pro

01-08-2016 11:18 AM

Automated Land Surface Temperature estimation using Python and ArcGIS Pro

Presenter: Zach Vernon, Senior Analyst at the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning


Regional land surface temperature estimates are a key dataset for urban heat island studies, climate change resilience research, and several other components of urban planning.  Fortunately, the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center provides easy access to free LANDSAT-8 reflectance and temperature data, which can be automatically converted to land surface temperature estimates through a series of image analysis techniques.

This presentation will discuss the creation of a Python toolbox in ArcGIS Pro which automates the application of these techniques, and will compare/contrast processing times and usability of workflows, function chains, and  a Python script tool to accomplish the same task.


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Last update:
‎01-08-2016 11:18 AM
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