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how to create a polygon using Coordinates?

02-18-2016 08:48 PM
Deactivated User

Dear All,

           I am using ArcMap 9.3 and I need to create the polygon using the coordinates. Anyone give me the sample program for create a polygon.

Advance Thanks,

with Regards,


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2 Replies
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Follow this steps;

  1. convert your text file to points
  2. convert points to lines with Points to Line
  3. convert lines to polygons with Feature to Polygon (Advanced licnese required)

Or You can Use arcpy - no specific license required.

See an example at the bottom of the page Writing geometries. The code converts a list of coordinates (a text file can be regarded as such a list) into polylines, you can easily modify it to create polygons.

I found this on this link;

ArcGIS: Create polygon using file containing point coordinates - Geographic Information Systems Stac...

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