Hi everybody,
we would like to include a local tile cache (tpk-file) into an iOS Runtime Demo App.
We tried to export such a tpk-file within ArcMap, using data from an ArcGIS.com TiledBaseMaps-Server
(http://tiledbasemaps.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World_Topo_Map/MapServer), as described here:
http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=eaee8760ed754019a964a6d785613a50 . We only try to download a very small area (small city), so all use and access constraints are met.
Within ArcMap (we tried version 10.3, 10.2.2, 10.2.1) we logged in with the credentials of an ArcGIS developer account and (during another attempt) with an organizational subscription account. Then we tried "File" -> "Share As" -> "Tile Package".
After "Analyzing" we get the error: "00005: Layer type is not supported".
In the help file it states that "Tiled map service layers" are supported as "Basemap layers" and that is exactly what we did.
Did anybody else try to download some tiles from the ArcGIS.com TiledBaseMaps-Server for offline use recently and did it work?
Lucas, thank you for the response, can you clarify a question for me, in the next release of ArcMap, the export tiles as tpk function will work? The issue some of us are having is that some maps that are supplied by ESRI and labeled for "Offline Use" are not loading and when you try to create a tpk, it throws an error say map layer type is not supported. This is seen in version 10.3.
Thank you for the help.
In an upcoming release, we plan to allow you to add a tiled map service into ArcMap, and to create a TPK from this. Currently, the analyzer will prevent this from working and will force you to remove the layer from the TOC in order for the TPK to be generated.
Great, thanks Luke, one last question, any idea when the next release will be?
Thanks again.
Next release is 10.4, and that should be out in Q1 of 2016. I am not certain if these changes will make it in on time for this, or if it will need to be added in a subsequent update after this.
Hello Luke, I downloaded the new ArcMap 10.4 and tried to export a map to a tpk file, but the Share As menu no longer has the Tile Package... option. Does this mean exporting maps for offline use is not supported in 10.4?
It is there in 10.4. Make sure you go to ArcMap Options > Sharing > Enable ArcGIS Runtime tools. Otherwise, this tool will not appear in the menu. However, the change for creating a TPK from an online service did not make it into the 10.4 release.
Forgot that setting, thanks. I see that it still gives the same error for not being supported. I hope this will be fixed in the next release, but do you have any idea when this next release will be? Our team is waiting on this option for our application.
Disaster!!! How can I create a .tpk file for an online service in 10.4? Is there any other way I can make a .tpk file (for use with an ArcGIS .Net WPF app)? Ideally I'd like the tiles to be based on OpenStreetMap data.
The workaround is...
Run the GP tool: Data Management Tools >> Package >> Create Runtime Content.
This will create a compressed version of tile cache. (exactly how ArcGIS Server would)
Look like so:
Once you have this... spin up a new instance of ArcMap and add this Raster Tile Compressed layer to an mxd.
It will look like this in Catalog / ArcMap
Save the mxd. (dont forget to add your mapdoc descriptions - File >> Map Document Properties...)
Then go ahead and Run the Create Map Tile Package.
Hello Lucus, any update if the next release of ArcMap will have the fix that allows users to create tpk files using a cached tiled map service?
Also, any update on when the next release might be?
Thanks for the support.