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Data reviewer regular expression not working

10-12-2015 06:42 AM
Deactivated User


I would like some help with the following:

I have a feature class with the field REF_ID. I would like to constrain what is entered by setting a regular expression for data reviewer to pick up any mismatches.

The REF_ID entries are a semi-colon delimited list of ids.

The REF_IDs can be anything from a single digit starting at '1' and can be up to a maximum of five digits.

The delimited list has no limit other than the character limit of the field.

Here are some examples:

12345                         OK

1234                           OK

123                             OK

12                               OK

1                                 OK

123456                       BAD

12345; 54321; 1234; 123                           OK

123456; 654321                                         BAD

12345;54321;                                             BAD

I have done the expression a few different ways and changed it because it seems that Data Reviewer doesn't like something.

I have checked all the expressions in Debuggex and all worked correctly, but just don't work in Data Reviewer.

I was getting all records being returned.

Here is the expression I ended up with which appears to work on records with a single REF_ID entry but not on a delimited list.

i.e. works on '12345' but not on '12345; 54321'


Some help with this would be appreciated.


PythonData Quality ManagementData Reviewer

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20 Replies
Esri Contributor

Jay Cary


I'm tagging Jay as he is the product owner for Data Reviewer.  This is good feedback to hear.

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